(41) Blaðsíða 31 (41) Blaðsíða 31
 3i tion, perfuaded Haco to marry the Earls daughter. Skulo , on account of his power, influence, and abilities, ■was created a Duke, and made a great figure in thofe times. 35. Sky. An Island on the coaft of Scotland; from Skiach Ir. cloudy. 26. Sneekoll. White-headed; from fnar Is. fnow, and kollr the crown of the head. 27- Somerled, The fummer foldier; from fumar Is. fummer , and lid a body of troops; IVcttrled, or the winter fol- dier, was alfo a proper name among the Norwegians, From Somerled. I, the Earl of Antritis, Lord M'Douald, and the other branches of that family, the M’ Jans, M’ Dugals, and feveral other tribes are defcended. Sudureys. The fouthern divifion of the Isles of Scotland; from fudr, Is. fouth and ey an Island. They formed a diocefe the Bishop ofwhich was called Bishop of Sodor, i, e. the Sudureys. 28. Thor-
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(58) Blaðsíða 48
(59) Saurblað
(60) Saurblað
(61) Band
(62) Band
(63) Kjölur
(64) Framsnið
(65) Toppsnið
(66) Undirsnið
(67) Kvarði
(68) Litaspjald

Anecdotes of Olave the black

Anecdotes of Olave the Black, king of Man, and the Hebridian princes of the Somerled family.

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