


Niðurstöður 91 til 100 af 131

Historia ecclesiastica Islandiæ , Blaðsíða 385 (397)

Historia ecclesiastica Islandiæ

Blaðsíða 385 (397)

in villa Biarnastailir in Unutlal, patre Sbaptio Josepbi filio, Juilicc tractus Sbaga- fiordensis, matre Sigrida

Latína, 524 bls.
Historia ecclesiastica Islandiæ , Blaðsíða 432 (444)

Historia ecclesiastica Islandiæ

Blaðsíða 432 (444)

Ang. pafre Tliorarino Jonæo Toparcba Eyaliordensi, matre Sigrida Stcpbani fllia, qvi emu in Acadcmia Havniensi

Latína, 524 bls.
Diplomatarium Islandicum = Íslenzkt fornbréfasafn , Blaðsíða 315 (357) , 9. b. (1262-1536)

Diplomatarium Islandicum = Íslenzkt fornbréfasafn

Blaðsíða 315 (357) , 9. b. (1262-1536)

£n fra hofsosi og til sigrida- stada oss dd st(adurinn) allan hualreca .ij. hluti j vidreca.

Íslenska, 16 bindi
Heimskringla , Blaðsíða XXXII (36) , 3. b. (1783)


Blaðsíða XXXII (36) , 3. b. (1783)

EJlritii enim ex filia neptis Ingirida, Knttti, ut puto Solenjis, foror, avia ínaterna fuit Sigrida, Guttormi

Ýmis tungumál, 6 bindi
Historia ecclesiastica Islandiæ , Blaðsíða 426 (438)

Historia ecclesiastica Islandiæ

Blaðsíða 426 (438)

prædio Storholl (Espcliéll) intra toparcbiam Eyaliordensein sito, parcntibus topar- cba Jona Jacobi (§ 30) et Sigrida

Latína, 524 bls.
Historia ecclesiastica Islandiæ , Blaðsíða 429 (441)

Historia ecclesiastica Islandiæ

Blaðsíða 429 (441)

1782, parcutilius Olao Stcplianæo per 40 annos Præfccti et Satrapæ in Islamlia regii muiiiis [ferenle, et Sigrida

Latína, 524 bls.
By fell and fjord or Scenes and studies in Iceland , Blaðsíða 197 (213)

By fell and fjord or Scenes and studies in Iceland

Blaðsíða 197 (213)

The prestr insisted on our coming home with him, and he pitched a comfortable tent for Sigrida and me near his

Enska, 308 bls.
By fell and fjord or Scenes and studies in Iceland , Blaðsíða 200 (216)

By fell and fjord or Scenes and studies in Iceland

Blaðsíða 200 (216)

Next day Sigrida and I frolicked down the valley on horse- back, and through the river to a rock in the centre

Enska, 308 bls.
By fell and fjord or Scenes and studies in Iceland , Blaðsíða 201 (217)

By fell and fjord or Scenes and studies in Iceland

Blaðsíða 201 (217)

We did find streams this evening, and Sigrida and I had to be carried over them ; but otherwise the walk was

Enska, 308 bls.
By fell and fjord or Scenes and studies in Iceland , Blaðsíða 203 (219)

By fell and fjord or Scenes and studies in Iceland

Blaðsíða 203 (219)

Sigrida and I drove them within shot of Thor- grimur. Alas !

Enska, 308 bls.