


Niðurstöður 1 til 10 af 14

Icelandic pictures , Blaðsíða 90 (94)

Icelandic pictures

Blaðsíða 90 (94)

The night before, Bergthora spoke to her household and said, ‘ Now shall ye choose your meat to-night, so that

Enska, 192 bls.
Six weeks in the saddle , Blaðsíða 5 (17)

Six weeks in the saddle

Blaðsíða 5 (17)

Some petty question of precedence first stirred up Hallgerda’s wrath, and she com- menced her feud with Bergthora

Enska, 260 bls.
Fragments of English and Irish history , Blaðsíða 59 (137)

Fragments of English and Irish history

Blaðsíða 59 (137)

They had more children, the fons were Sternther, Haldor, Helgi, and Holkuld ; and the daughters were Bergthora

Enska, 180 bls.
Six weeks in the saddle , Blaðsíða 3 (15)

Six weeks in the saddle

Blaðsíða 3 (15)

He lived down south, at Bergthorsvholl, on the banks of the river Afall, with his wife, Bergthora, and three

Enska, 260 bls.
Six weeks in the saddle , Blaðsíða 4 (16)

Six weeks in the saddle

Blaðsíða 4 (16)

mind of a fiend, the source of all the troubles and misfortunes of her husband’s life, quarrelled with Bergthora

Enska, 260 bls.
Icelandic pictures , Blaðsíða 88 (92)

Icelandic pictures

Blaðsíða 88 (92)

Thou hast hangnails on every finger, and Njal is beardless.’ ‘ That’s true/ says Bergthora, ‘ yet neither of us

Enska, 192 bls.
Laxdæla saga , Blaðsíða 109 (137)

Laxdæla saga

Blaðsíða 109 (137)

Filiœ autem Olavi atqve Thorgerdcefiuere Bergthora atqve Tliorbjorga.

Latína, 474 bls.
Íslands landnámabók , Blaðsíða 114 (140)

Íslands landnámabók

Blaðsíða 114 (140)

filii Kiartan, Halldor, Steindor £ý Thorbergus, Filice Olai crant Thurida, Thorbiörga Digra (Crafa) £ý Bergthora

Latína, 548 bls.
Udvalgte sagastykker , Blaðsíða 117 (125) , 1. b.

Udvalgte sagastykker

Blaðsíða 117 (125) , 1. b.

Flosi sagde da til Bergthora: „gak ud, busfrue, thi dig vil jeg ikke paa nogen maade briænde inde.”

Danska, 2 bindi
The book of the settlement of Iceland , Blaðsíða 68 (114)

The book of the settlement of Iceland

Blaðsíða 68 (114)

berg ; the daughters of Olaf: Thurid, Thorbjorg the Big and Bergthora.

Enska, 301 bls.