(36) Blaðsíða 30 (36) Blaðsíða 30
30 A DANISH RUNIC STONE FOUND IN LONDON. tomfa-slone the real epitaph, the dale of the deceased one’s birth and death etc. are ingraven. But on the white slab there often is sculptured a rhymed verse, and some-times averse from the Bible. The object of this head-stone clearly is to draw attention to the tomb, lest passengers should pass hv it without noticing it. It is highly probable that this is a very ancient custom in Christian church-yards, and that head-stones in London perhaps may be a thousand years old or upwards. The white marble slab, of course, is of more modern date, but the slanting posture of the ancient head-stone and the sculpture on the face of it, probably was deemed sufficient to mark it out for attention. Here thus wre most likely have the true explanation of the origin of this stone. It merely is a head-stone and the verb lay refers to the horizontal tomb-stone below, which in the course of eight centuries most likely has been broken into many pieces, and then mouldered to atoms. The position of the inscription on this head-stone, moreover, shews that it was considered to be of a subordinate interest. It is most unobtrusively placed on the edr/e of the stone, and not very easily observed except on closer inspection. No doubt, those who erected the monument in the first place wished to draw public attention to the epitaph on the tomb- stone of their friend, and in the second place to record in a manner as modest (we might almost say, as concealed), as possible their own merit in causing the tomb-stone to be laid. This supposition, I believe, may satisfactorily account for the end and object of the London Runic stone. Thorl. Gudji. Repp. From the paper here inserted it will appear that Mr. Repp as well as also the Correspondent of the Morning Chronicle at Copenhagen coincide with me in the opinion, which the
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(135) Kápa
(136) Kápa
(137) Saurblað
(138) Saurblað
(139) Band
(140) Band
(141) Kjölur
(142) Framsnið
(143) Kvarði
(144) Litaspjald

Remarks on a Danish Runic Stone from the Eleventh Century

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Tengja á þessa bók: Remarks on a Danish Runic Stone from the Eleventh Century

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