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THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA E\ THE TEiNTH CENTURY. XXXI jc lmry uic, and plant a cross nt iny Iicad and aUo at my fect, and cull the jilacc KROSSANES (Crossness) in all time coming.” He dicd, aud tliey did as hc Iind ordcred. Aftcrwards thcy rcturncd to their companioiis at Lcifshooths, uud spent thc wintcr there; hut in tlic spring of 1005 thcy sailcd again to Greenland, having important intelli- gcncc to communicatc to Letf. II.NSlfCCESSFlL ATTEMPT OF TIIORSTEIIV ERICSOIV. Tliorstein, Eric’s tliird son, now resolvcd to procceil to Vineland to fctch his brother’s hody; he iitted out the same sliip, and selected 25 strong and able bodied mcn for its crew ; liis wife Gud- rida also went along with liim. They were tossed ahout the ocean during the whole sumincr, and hnew not whither thcy were drivcn; at the close of the first week of winter tliey landed atLysufiord in the Western Settlement of Grccnland. There Thorstcin died during tlie wiuter, and in thc spring Gudrida returncd again to Ericsfiord. SETTLEMEXT EFFECTED IIV VTNBLAND BY THOBFINN. In the following summcr, 1000, therc arrived in Grcenland two ships from Iceland: tlic one was cnmmanded hy Tiioufinn, having the very significant surname of Kahlsefne (i. e. who promises or is dcstincd to he an ahle or grcat man), a wcal- thy and powerful man, of illustrious lincagc, and sprung from Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Irish and Scottish ancestors, some of whom were kings or °f royal descent. He was accompanicd hy Snoubk Thorbraxdson, who was also a man of distinguish- ed lincage. Tlie othcr ship was commandcd hy Hiahne Gkimolfson of Brcidefiord, aud Tnoniiali. Gamlason of Austfiord. Thcy kcpt thc festival of Yule at Brattalid. Thorfinn hecame enamourcd of Gudrida , and obtained thc consent of her lirother-in-law Leif; and thcir marriage was cele- hrated during the wiulcr. On this, as on formcr occasions, tlie voyage to Vineland formed a favo- ritc tlicmc of convcrsation, and Tliorfinn was urgcd liolh hy his wife nnd othcrs to undertake sueh a voyagc. It was accordingly rcsolved on. In the spring of 1007 Karlsefne and Suorre fitted out their ship , aml Bjarnc and Thorhall likcwisc filled out llieirs. A lliird ship (heing that in which Gudrida’s fatlier Thorhiörn had formerly comc to Greenland) was commanded hyTiiouwARn who wus married to Frevdisa, a natural dauglitcr of Eric thc Red; nnd on bonrd this ship was nlso a niítn of thc namc of Tiioiiiiall, who hnd Iong served Eric as huntsinnn in sumincr and as hotise- steward in wintcr, nnd who had inucli acquain- tancc willi tlie uncolonizcd parts of Giccnlnnd. They had in all l(i0 mcn. Tliey took with thein all kinds of livc stock, it being their intention to cstahlish a colony, if possihlc. Tliey sailed first to thc NVestcrhygd, and afterwards to Biarney (Disco). From thence they sailed in a soutlicrly direction to IIELLULAiYD, wliere tlicy found many foxes. From tlience tliey sailcd again two days in a southerly dircetion to MABKLAND, a coiin- try overgrown with wood, and plentifully stocked with animals. Leaving this, tlicy conliniied sail- ing in a S.W. dircction for a long time, baving the land to starhoard, until tliey at length came to KIALABNES, wlicre tliere weru frackless dcscrts and long hcaclics nnd sands, called hy thein FUBÐUSTBAYDIB. Whcn (hey had pnst flicse, thc land bcgan to lie indented hy inlcts. Tliey had two Scots with them, IIake nnd IIekia, whom Leif had formerly received from the Nor- wegian King Olaf Tryggvason, and who werc vcry swift of foot. Tliey put tliciu on shorc recommcnd- ing them to proceed in a S. W. direction, and explore the country. Aftcr the lapse of 3 days thoy returned hringing with tlieni somc grapcs and soine ears of wlicat, whicli grcw wild in that rcgion. They continucd their course, until they cume to a place, whcre a firtli pcnetrated far into tlie country. OIT the moulli of it wns au island past which there ran strong ciirrents, which was also the casc farther up the firth. On the island, tliere vvere nn immense numher of eyderducks, so tliat it was scareely possihle lo wnlk without freading on their eggs. They called tlie island STBAUMEY’ (Strcam- Isle), and thc firlh STBAUMFIÖBöB (Strcam-
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Antiquitates Americanæ

Antiqvitates Americanæ sive Scriptores Septentrionales rerum ante-Columbianarum in America =

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