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tx All this, howcvcr, dict not cffectually' conciliatc tht Somerlidian trihe. The Norwegian Monarch, disap• pointcd in his negociations, had recoursc to the swdrd, and saileil viith a fleet, which loth thc Sturlunga-saga, anri the Flateyan annalr represent as the most formida- lle that evcr left the ports of Norway. It wou’d le iinpropcr for the cditor to draw any eompurison between the Scottish, and Norwegían nar- ratives; hc, thcrefore, leavcs it to the disccrnmeut of the rcader to flx what vicdimn hc thinks rensonable, The Flateyan and -Frisian are the prittcipal mss, now extant, that contain the life of Haco tlie at"ed. The first belongs to the lihrary of His Danisli Majcsty, the latter is deposited in the Magnn:an colleciion. Of thcm the editor optAined copics; aiid by tbc help af the one wat enahh;d, reciprocally, to snpply thc impcrfcítions of the other. Ht' has sivce examined the originals themsclvcs, and bcgs lcave tn correft somc errors of transcribers, In ptige 8. for Kiarnaborg thc FI.Ms. has Kianaborg; 46. Asleifarvic Hals - eyiar - vic; and after ” bnnir ” follows, Magiuis Jarl var oc afccr i, e, Earl Magnus, howcvcr, l
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(189) Scale
(190) Color Palette

The Norwegian account of Haco's expedition

The Norwegian account of Haco's expedition against Scotland A. D. MCCLXIII

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