(26) Blaðsíða 20 (26) Blaðsíða 20
20 THE NORTH ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH. 806 fathoms to 228 fathoms, in the short distance of of geographical miles. The nature of the bottom was chiefly oaze, that is fine mud partly consisting of minute organic remains, but near to Ice- land, volcanic mud and sand was more frequently brought up. The temperature of the sea at 100 fathoms below the surface gradually diminished from 46° near Iceland, to 89° off the Greenland coast. Circumstances which it is unnecessary to allude to here pre- vented me from commencing, before 18th August, the line of soundings between the S.W. coast of Greenland, and Hamilton Inlet on the Labrador coast,—a distance of 550 miles. The Greenland shore was still blockaded by such a vast accumulation of drift-ice that we could not approach within 45 miles of it, at which distance the depth was ascertained to be 1175 fathoms. This line of soundings to Hamilton Inlet shows that the greatest depth,—which is in mid-channel,—is 2082 fathoms; and that the decrease is very gradual until within about 80 miles of Labrador, where there is a change from about 900 fathoms to 150 fathoms in 7 or 8 miles. The ocean bed consisted of oaze, but with fewer microscopic organisms than previously met with, whilst the average tem- perature of the sea at 100 fathoms below the surface was 40°. Seven days were all I could devote to the examination of Hamilton Inlet. Its length was found to be 120 miles, whilst its width varies from about 15 miles at its mouth, to scarcely half a mile at “ the Narrows,” which are about half way up to its head, and above which it expands into an inland sea of about 20 miles in width. All this great inlet was rapidly ex- plored, its main channel from “ the Narrows ” to seaward was sounded, and the whole laid down by Mr. Reed, master and assistant-surveyor, with sufficient accuracy for ordinary pur- poses ; but these soundings are not nearly sufficient to meet
(1) Band
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(11) Mynd
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(101) Saurblað
(102) Saurblað
(103) Band
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(105) Kjölur
(106) Framsnið
(107) Kvarði
(108) Litaspjald

The North Atlantic telegraph via the Færöe Isles, Iceland, and Greenland


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Tengja á þessa bók: The North Atlantic telegraph via the Færöe Isles, Iceland, and Greenland

Tengja á þessa síðu: (26) Blaðsíða 20

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