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Junior comprehensive schools Our junior comprehensive schools lay the foun- dation of our children's education, and it is there- fore our duty to apply ourselves to the work that is done there. We are still a long way from fulfilling the requirements of the junior comprehensive school legislation, and allocations to education have been reduced. Schools are run in multiple shifts and the school day is usually not continuous. The youngest chil- dren get too little schooling, and day-care for school children is inadequate. Children in rural areas either have to travel great distances or live in boarding schools part of the winter from the age of seven. School books are lacking, school libraries mostly insufficient, and schools are discriminated against according to where they are situated in the country. We have ample reason to fear the consequences of this discrimination for the pupils. The Women's Alliance stresses the importance of children and young people being able to study in their own home area for as long as possible. It is important to create the conditions necessary for schools to be able to fulfill their obligations, so that every child can be provided with a good upbringing and basic education. 14

The Women's Alliance policy statement 1987


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