(57) Blaðsíða 47 (57) Blaðsíða 47
47 31. Memoirs of principal Actors in the Plays of Shakespeare. By J. Payne Collier. London 1846. 32. Eight Novels employed by English Dramatic Poets of the reign of Qveen Elizabelh. London, 1846. 33. Ralph Roistcr Doister, a comedy, by Nicholas Udall. And the tragedie of Gordobug, by Thomas Norton and Thomas Sackville. With introductory memoirs edited by William Durraut Cooper. London, 1847. 34. The Chester Plays: a collection of Mysteries, founded upon scriptural subjects, and formerly represented by the trades of Chester of vvhitsuntide. Edited by Thomas Wright. Vol. II. London 1847. cfr. Nr. 16. 35. The Shakespeare Sociely’s Papers. Vol. III. London 1847. cfr. 23 & 28. 36. The Moral Play of Wit and Science, and early poetical miscellanies. Edited by J. 0. Halliwell. London 1848. 37. Extracts from the registers of the Stationers Company of works entered for publication between the years 1557 and 1570. With notes and illustrations by J. Payne Collier. London, 1848. (cfr. Nr 40). 38. Inigo Jones. A life of the architect; by Peter Cunning- ham. Remarks on some of his sketches for masqves and dramas; by J. R. Planché. And five court masqves. London, 1848. 39. The Shakespearian Society’s Papers. Vol. IV. London, 1849. cfr. Nr 23, 28 & 35. 40. Extracts from the registers (&c sjá Nr 37). Vol II. Lon- don, 1849. (cfr. Nr 37). 41. The dramatic works of Thomas Heyvood. With a life of the poet, and remarks on his writings by J. Payne Collier. Vol I. London, 1850. 42. The remarks of M. Karl Simrock, on the plots of Shake- speare’s Plays. With notes and additions by J. 0. Halli- well. London, 1850. 43. The royal king, and loyal subject. A woman killed with kindness. Two plays by Thomas Heywood. With an in- troduction and notes by J. Payne Collier. London 1850. 44. Two historical plays on the life and reign of Qveen Eliza-
(1) Band
(2) Band
(3) Saurblað
(4) Saurblað
(5) Saurblað
(6) Saurblað
(7) Blaðsíða [1]
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(98) Blaðsíða 88
(99) Saurblað
(100) Saurblað
(101) Saurblað
(102) Saurblað
(103) Band
(104) Band
(105) Kjölur
(106) Framsnið
(107) Kvarði
(108) Litaspjald

Skýrsla um bækur þær, sem gefnar hafa verið Stiptisbókasafninu á Íslandi, í minningu þjóðhátíðar Íslands 1874.


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Tengja á þessa bók: Skýrsla um bækur þær, sem gefnar hafa verið Stiptisbókasafninu á Íslandi, í minningu þjóðhátíðar Íslands 1874.

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