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C 43 ] In the interval Melkorka had brought forth a fon to Thor- biorn, named Lambi, who was not lefs famous in regard to his ftrength and adtivity, than to the clofe refemblance that he bore to his father in almoft every refpedt, features, and cha- r after. Olaf had been now about a year in Iceland, when his father addreffed him thus : My fon, of all things I wifhed to fee you provided with an amiable confort, that would fuperintend your houfe at Goddaftad, where your fofter-father lives. Olaf confelfed that the fubjedt in queftion had occupied very few of his thoughts, being as yet unacquainted with any that, in his opinion, could add to the happinefs of the lituation he then.had the pleafure of feeling; yet fuch, however, was his will to be didtated to by fo tender a father, that, delicate as the fubjedt was, he had no objedtions to comply with his requeft, as he fuppofed the proportion did not come without an objedl in view. In this Hofkuld allured him, that he was right, as he had fixed upon Thorgerda, the daughter of Egill Skallagrimfon, re- fiding at Borgr near the frith of Borga, one of the moft accom- plilhed beauties of the neighbourhood, connedted in relation - fliip with all the powerful inhabitants of Mira. Olaf, on hearing this, fubmiflively refigned the reins of go- vernment in this point into the hands of his father, in whom he placed an implicit confidence ; at the fame time hoping that, if it fhould once begin, he Ihould be concerned if it failed of fuccefs^ Hofkuld replied, that he would try, at the approach of the next diet. Hofkuld, accompanied with his fon Olaf, and a mi- st mercus
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Fragments of English and Irish history

Fragments of English and Irish History in the ninth and tenth century

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