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5 that he considered your Memorialist, by his knowledge of those languages, sufficiently prepared to undertake the duties to which such an important and responsible avocation might call him. On the arrival of your Memorialist in the Library, he considered himself, from the nature of his office, as placed under the direction and guidance of the Principal Keeper. During the first year of his engagement, his oc- cupation was to copy catalogues from manuscript copies already made; and he was occasionally requested to attend in other departments of the Library to give out books, and enter them in the receipt-book. Sometimes he had to examine and collate books of foreign literature that were to be bound. As to the catalogues he was thus employed in copying, one was of American Law, another of General Literature, a third of Civil Law, a fourth of English Law, a fifth of a Collection of Nor- thern Literature, and a sixth of Spanish Law. All these he was directed by the Keeper to transcribe from copies that had already been made. The only catalogues which the Memorialist was directed to make, was a short and descriptive catalogue, in Latin, of the Northern Manu- scripts in the Library, and an abridged catalogue of some of the new books which were lying in the ware- room. This latter he was directed to make by one of the Curators. The Memorialist cannot say that the aböve-mentioned copying of catalogues appeared to him in good accord- ance with the víews that had heen given to him of his office, and which he had anticipated previously to his arrival in this country. The copies of catalogues al-

Unto the honourable the Dean and Faculty

Unto the honourable Dean and Faculty of Advocates,

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