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Anh-Dao Tran c. Parents' perceptions: The parents felt that the ways of helping their children to improve their academic per- formance were: 1) to maximize Icelandic teaching, 2) to provide tutoring, special classes, counseling and 3) to discipline them fairly and appropriately. d. Assistance provided to improve Asian stu- dents' academic performance: Even though there was a uniform agreement among the students, parents, teachers and school administrators that these students need massive assistance academically, espe- cially in the area of learning Icelandic, the study showed that only 60% of the inter- viewed students said that they had language assistance in schools, 46% had received tutoring, and 37% had participated in special classes. The parents more or less agreed with their children. 50% of the parents said their children had tutoring in schools, 53% said they got language assistance and only 22% thought they had some kind of special classes. On the other hand, how the tutoring was arranged or organized depended on each school. Some schools arranged the assistance according to the need of each stu- dent. Some had a fixed number of hours scheduled to assist all students, not only focusing on Asian students. Some provided group tutoring. According to the schools, the services were provided mainly by home-room teachers, foreign student advisor-teachers, or teachers of the móttökudeild. They taught Icelandic, provided advice, tutored and worked with the parents. This type of arrangement seemed to work well at the elementary level, since home-room teachers and móttökudeild teachers had the children most of the days. At framhaldsskólar, on the other hand, teach- ers are more specialized in their own fields of teaching. As a result, students at fram- haldsskólar needed more than one teacher to help them with their studies, as they explained: "I needed help in math but since the teacher ivho was helping us with homework spe- cialized in Icelandic, he couldn't help... I some- times just needed someone who spoke Vietnamese to explain to me Icelandic literature so I could gain some more insight into this subject... when I got into some difficulties in my study I didn't know whom to ask. Sometimes, it was very dis- couraging to keep on. It also made the time to complete my study seem to be endless, long and weary... I often sat and wondered what I was sit- ting in class for, how much I actually got out of it?... As an immigrant, what am I worth? What would my education do for me? Would I end up like my parents doing menial jobs anyway?" So how did these youth help themselves or cope with the situation? When they were asked what resources they had at home to help them to study, 80% of them said they used dictionaries even though there were no existing bilingual dictionaries such as Icelan- dic-Vietnamese/Tagalog/Cebuano/Japa- nese/Thai. What this meant was that to find a meaning of an Icelandic word they first needed to translate the word into English before they could find the right word in their own language. (This could be both very dif- ficult and risky if the student did not know English). 57% of them said they had comput- 204 Delta Kappa Gamma - 30 ára afmælisrit
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Þekking - þjálfun - þroski


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