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THE SORCERESS. 95 A talifman wrought by her magic fpells And myftic power, — invulnerable mail, A Ihield no fword could cleave, a thrice-charmed fword, Obtained by midnight fpell from fome old ghoft, Conjured to earth again by her dread power,— A fword now gifted with ftrange ftrength to kill. None ventured near the rocks where Ihe abode, And feldom was her dreaded name pronounced, For all remembered Ulfar, and his death. H e was a hunter, who, delayed by night, Waited until the moon arofe, for light To find his way down the rough mountain-fide. On the high rock that overhung the hut Where dwelt Thorveiga and her brutilh fons He paufed a moment in his fteep defcent; And there he faw ftrange fights. A hundred ghofts Were dancing round a fpectral wizard fire ; The dread Sorcerefs, Oddur, and Gudmund Were mingling gayly with their midnight guefts, And dancing wildly to a difmal tune, Beat on phantom drums by Ikeleton arms ; And all the rocky dell was filled with forms Strange and uncouth. And Ulfar, trembling, faw The moonbeams fhining through tranlparent fhapes From which no lhadows fell; he faw, and fwooned 7
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