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HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, & TRAVELS. ii to students of our Constitutional history, or a more pleasant means of conveying information about it to the public at large."—Saturday Review. Galileo.—the private life of galileo. Compiled principally from his Correspondence and that of his eldest daughter, Sister Maria- Celeste, Nun in the Franciscan Convent of S. Matthew in Arcetri. With Portrait. Crown 8vo. 7s. 6d. It has been the endeavour of the compiler to place before the reader a plain, ungarbled statement of facts ; and, as a means to this end, to allow Galileo, his friends, and his judges to speak for themselves as far as possible. All the best authorities have been made use of and all the materials which exist for a biography have been in this volume put into a symmetrical form. The result is a most touching picture skilfully arranged of the great heroic man of science and his devoted daughter-, whose letters are full of the deepest reverential love and trust, amply repaid by the noble soul. The Satur- day Review says of the book, 11 It is not so much the philosopher as the man who is seen in this simple and life-like sketch, and the hand which portrays the features and actions is mainly that of one who had studied the subject the closest and the most intimately. This little volume has done much within its slender compass to prove the depth and tenderness of Gallieds heart.” Gladstone (Right Hon. W. E., M.P.)—JUVENTUS MUNDI. The Gods and Men of the Heroic Age. Crown 8vo. cloth. With Map. 10s. 6d. Second Edition. This work of Mr. Gladstone deals especially with the historic element in Ilomer, expounding that element and furnishing by its aid a full account of the Homeric men and the Homeric religion. It starts, after the introductory chapter, with a discussion of the several races then existing in Hellas, including the influence of the Phoenicians and Egyptians. It contains chapters on the Olympian system, with its several deities; on the Ethics and the Polity of the Heroic age; on the Geography of Homer; on the characters of the Poems ; presenting, in fine, a view of primitive life and primitive society as found in the poems of Homer. To this New Edition various additions have been made. “Seldom,” says the Athe- N/eum, 11 out of the great poems themselves, have these Divinities looked so majestic and respectable. To read these brilliant details is like standing on the Olympian threshold and gazing at the ineffable brightness within.”
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Six weeks in the saddle


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