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30 MACMILLAN’S CATALOGUE OF WORKS IN Wilson (Daniel, LL.D.) —continued. limited to that part of the kingdom to which it is chiefly devoted; it will be consulted with advantage and gratification by all who have a regard for National Antiquities and for the advancement of scientific Archeology.”— Archaeological Journal. PREHISTORIC MAN. New Edition, revised and partly re-written, with numerous Illustrations. One vol. 8vo. 21 s. This work, which carries out the principle of the preceding one, but with a wider scope, aims to “ view Man, as far as possible, unaffected by those modifying influences which accompany the development of nations and the maturity of a trice historic period, in order thereby to ascertain the sources from whence such development and maturity proceed. These researches into the origin of civilization have accordingly been pursued under1 the belief which influenced the author in previous inquiries that the investigations of the archceologist, when carried on in an enlightened spirit, are replete with interest in relation to some of the most important problems of modern science. To reject the aid of archceology in the progress of science, and especially of ethnological science, is to extinguish the lamp of the student when most dependent on its borrowed rays.” A prolonged residence on some of the neivest sites of the Neiv World has afforded the author many opportunities of investigating the antiquities of the American Aborigines, and of bringing to light many facts of high importance in reference to primez<al man. The changes in the new edition, necessitated by the great advance in Archceology since the first, include both reconstruction ana condensation, along with considerable additions alike in illustration ana in argument. “ We find,” says the Athenaeum, “ the main idea of his treatise to be a pre-eminently scientific one,—namely, by archceological records to obtain a definite conception of the origin and nature of man's earliest efforts at civilization in the New World, and to endeavour to dis- cover, as if by analogy, the necessary conditions, phases, and epochs through which man in the prehistoric stage in the Old World also must necessarily have passed.” The North British Review calls it “a mature and mellow work of an able man ; free alike from crotchets and from dog- matism, and exhibiting on every page the caution and moderation of a well- balanced judgment.5 ’ CHATTERTON : A Biographical Study. By Daniel Wilson, LL.D., Professor of History and English Literature in University College, Toronto. Crown 8vo. 6s. 6d.
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Six weeks in the saddle


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