(4) Blaðsíða [2] (4) Blaðsíða [2]
It is a great privilege for the Colby College Art Mu- seum to hold the first major exhibition of modern Ice- landic art in the United States. We are pleased also that we were able to take part in its organization, and for this we are exceedingly grateful to Mrs. Ellerton M. Jetté and Dr. Selma Jónsdóttir. Mrs. Jetté, chairman of the Friends of Art at Colby, and Mr. Jetté became acquainted with Icelandic painting in Iceland and they there conceived the idea of an exhibi- tion to be initiated by Colby College and to travel to other museums throughout this country. Dr. Jónsdóttir, direc- tor of the National Gallery of Iceland at Reykjavik, re- sponded enthusiastically to the idea and assumed the re- sponsibility of organizing the exhibition and preparing the catalogue. The committee of selection of the artists and the paintings to be included consisted of Dr. Jónsdóttir, Gunn- laugur Scheving and Thorvalder Skúlasson. We extend them our thanks for their key role in preparing the exhi- bition. To Mrs. Jetté and to Mrs. Gertrud Mellon we express thanks for acting as representatives of the museum in Ice- land while some of the decisions about the exhibition were being made. The Honorable Ingvi Ingvársson of the Icelandic Em- bassy has been most helpful and Mr. Sigurud Helgason has been very generous in making the facilities of Icelandic Airlines available to us. We thank them for their invalu- able assistance. A loan exhibition owes its existence to the owners of paintings who are willing to part with them for a consid- erable period of time. For this we especially thank the lenders to this exhibition. Together with the artists them- selves they enable man to speak to man through the inter- national language of painting. JAMES M. CARPENTER COLBY COLLEGE ART MUSEUM WATERVILLE MAINE USA AUGUST 18/OCTOBER 3 1965 ONTOUR AMERICAN FEDERATION OF ARTS NOVEMBER 1965/DECEMBER 1966
(1) Kápa
(2) Kápa
(3) Blaðsíða [1]
(4) Blaðsíða [2]
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(41) Blaðsíða [39]
(42) Blaðsíða [40]
(43) Kápa
(44) Kápa
(45) Kvarði
(46) Litaspjald

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