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story of a well-known Icelandic tale about a bewitched cow, whereas in the violin concerto Fylgjur (1981) he combines the musical term, sequence, with the parapsychological phenomenon called fylgja in Icelandic or wraith in English, an invisible counterpart to a person, an invisible other self. In 1971 Porkell Sigurbjomsson, together with the clarinet- ist Gunnar Egilson and the viola player Ingvar Jonasson, went on an extended concert tour of Sweden. The tour con- sisted mainly of concerts designed for sixth form classes, and Sigurbjomsson composed especially for the occasion a large- scale trio for clarinet, viola and piano. It is called KISUM (=“musik” spelt backwards) and makes use of a sharp and clearly characterized polyphony, aleatory, and many exam- ples of unconventional playing techniques. KISUM is divided into three movements with the memorable titles: Music of Nature, Music of the Gods, and Music of Man. Music of Nature here represents music that deals with nature, Music of the Gods is abstract music, and Music of Man deals with mankind, our feelings, our conceptions and habits. If one applies this division to Porkell Sigurbjornsson’s music as a whole, one comes to the conclusion that his contribution to “the music of nature” is very small. The only examples among the larger-scale compositions are the orchestral works Mistur (1972) and Haflog (1978). Both are elegant and engaging nature impressions and are especially interesting because of the large role played by movement and dynamics. One could well expect that Mistur (Mist) could be a rather static piece of music, but this is not the case. The work quivers with life and movement, tension and drama. Haflog (Sea Songs) is not first and foremost a powerful portrayal of the tide or a storm. It consists more of a rather quick and fiery succession of events with short phrases, simultaneous rhythmical events in different periods, and a repetitive use of motifs that are all-important elements in the form. “The music of the Gods” (abstract music) is rather better represented. Among the orchestral works of this category is the work with which Torkell Sigurbjomsson made his inter- national debut at the IS CM festival in Amsterdam in 1963. The work is entitled Flokt (Fluctuations) and is a freely con- ceived miniature with aleatoric sections. Ymur ( (1969) must
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New music in Iceland


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