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his life’s motif - a lake in the woods - but is continually thwarted by trees that stand in the way. By the time he finds what he is looking for, it is too late. Dusk is falling and soon it will be night. Xanties begins where Proust ends - a restless, feverish dialogue with instruments and voices about “xanties”, the swarms of night. In the prologue the composer writes: “We hear the song of the swarms of night. It is like the song of the unicorn and the maiden, the song of the donkey and the ox on Christmas Eve.” Shortly afterwards, he composed a trio for clarinet, violoncello and piano that is more directly naturalistically lyrical in its mood. Plutdt blanche qu azuree {,Rather white than azure) is the title of this work that is linked with impressions of nature during a summer in Langeland in Denmark. The work can even be regarded as programme music describing a summer day. “The day’s zenith arrives when the G-major chord breaks forth and the long, slow coda can be imagined to represent a sunset.” But the treeless scenery of Iceland is also included in the music. “When abroad, one on the whole experiences a very limited distance in the countryside . . . but in Iceland you can always see very far - the horizon lies a long way off - and this thought characterized Plutdt to a large extent.” Musically the work is a slowly moving composition in a neo-romantic language, sometimes ardent, sometimes apathetic in mood. The distinctive piano piece Gloria (1981) can also be referred to this sort of romanticism where naturalistic lyric- ism and a religious theme are combined. In this work Atli Heimir Sveinsson wordlessly meditates on the Christmas Gospel reading “Gloria in excelsis Deo et in terra pax . . .”, that is to say, the angels’ song of praise at the birth of Jesus. “I wondered how this song could have sounded - the song of the angels, of the planets, of the universe; a lullaby, a nocturne, a hymn - all in one.” Gloria makes use of sudden shifts between romantic and modem modes of expression in a way that is superficially reminiscent of Messiaen. One is reminded of the song of the donkey and ox, here realized in the form of a canon between the highest and lowest register of the piano. 05ur steinsins (1983) is also a meditation, or more correctly thirty rather romantic meditations for piano, recitation and slide projectors with pictures from the north of
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New music in Iceland


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