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A DANISH RUNIC STONE FOUND IN LONDON. 23 of St. Mary at Worcester (Uuigornaceastrc) by which he gives to the said church a landed estate (j'us~) called Deo- tinctun, together with a village belonging to it called 2Elf- sigestun. This estate had, for his life-time, been in the possession of the king’s very mighty and wealthy courtier (pracpotens et dives minister rer/is) Tore, who had enjoyed it free of all taxes, excepting such as were payable to the crown, but before his death he had by testament given it to the Bishop on account of the friendship established between them and for the peace of his own soul; but his son Aki, a mighty man and also a king’s-courtier, wished to set aside his father’s testament as invalid, and ho claimed the estate as belonging to him by right of succession. However, when the King and the Earl Leofric and the principal men of the province sanctioned the gift by their approbation and consent, Aki, on receiving a compensation of 8 marks of fine gold, made it over to the Bishop, free of his own and every other claim, which might be founded on a right of succession, and by a written deed confirmed by witnesses, it was settled that the Bishop might without let or hin- drance give or sell the estate to whom-soever he pleased. This remarkable deed is signed by King Edward and the Queen Eadgid, by the Bishop Ealdred himself, by the chieftains Leofric, iElfgar and Odda, and by the courtiers Owine, Wagon, Berthric iElfgarson, Atsor and Osgod. Of the witnesses here mentioned Wagen (i. e. Vagn) probably was of the same kindred, and, as well as Odda, Adzer (OzurJ and Asgaut, of Danish descent. It doubtless is the same Toki, as the one here men- tioned, whose name also occurs in other deeds from the age immediately preceding, e. g. in a document of Canute the Great from the year 1019, where he is called Totja minister; in another of the same king from the year 1033, where he is sliled Tokig miles; in another by the Bishop
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Remarks on a Danish Runic Stone from the Eleventh Century

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