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8 THE NORTH ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH. made known by tliat distinguished philosopher, Professor Faraday, that the electric force is arrested in its transit through very long cables. Subsequent experiments demonstrated that this retardation is cumulative, increasing in a certain ratio in proportion to the distance traversed; that is to say, while it takes one-third of a second to transmit a current through a cable 500 miles in length, it will take about a second to transmit it 1000 miles. The discovery of this fact was considered by many electricians both in England and America to be a fatal obstacle to the commercial success of working a cable from Europe to America direct. Among the most prominent who held this opinion was Colonel Shaffner of America. And early in the year 1855 we find that he published his opinion in the following language, which up to the present time he continues to entertain, viz.: “ I will not say that a galvanic or magnetic electrical current can never be sent from Newfoundland to Ireland; but, I do say that, with the present discoveries of science, I do not believe it practicable for telegraph service.” That gentleman had devoted himself to the science and art of electric telegraphy for many years, and had been the pioneer of the telegraph in the 'Western States, where under his guidance the wires were extended to the verge of civilisation in the West as early as 1851. By 1850 his name stood high as one of the first telegraphic engineers of the United States. A short time after Professor Faraday’s lecture, he started the project of a telegraphic communication between the two continents by a series of short stages, in preference to a continuous line carried right across the ocean. His original idea was to connect Europe generally with America, and he accordingly proposed to carry his line from Labrador to Greenland, from Greenland to Iceland and the Fteroe Islands, and from the Faeroe Islands to Norway, and thence to Copenhagen. He visited Europe for
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The North Atlantic telegraph via the Færöe Isles, Iceland, and Greenland


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