(36) Blaðsíða 30 (36) Blaðsíða 30
30 THE NORTH ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH. FiEROE ISLANDS. This most interesting group of isles, the capital of which is Thorshaven, lies some 200 miles north of Scotland, and is under the authority of the Danish Crown. I will not occupy the time of the Society in discussing the political, physical, or other characteristics of these islands, hut proceed at once to quote some interesting extracts from Captain Young’s report. He qays:— “ We were naturally anxious to reach the spot at which our work was to commence, and to ascertain the first foreign station at which the telegraph cable was to be landed. We were glad to make the Faroe Islands, distant 50 miles, on the evening of the 2nd August, the remarkable clearness of the atmosphere and the height of the land making our distance from it appa- rently far less than we were by our observations. When 46 miles E.S.E. from Naalsoe we obtained soundings in 102 fathoms, sand and shells. We here passed through many patches of discoloured water of a reddish hue, caused probably by minute animalcules on the surface, specimens of which, brought up by the towing net, being preserved. Specimens of water, both on the surface and at various depths, were frequently obtained during our voyage and preserved, the temperature and specific gravity being registered in the meteorological journal. On the morning of the 3rd the land was obscured by clouds and mist, which, as the sun rose, gradually dispersed, and enabled us to obtain views of the land, and also to fix our positions by Born’s chart to commence a line of soundings into the north point of Naalsoe ; the depths were 36 to 26 fathoms, with a bottom of sand and shell.” Thorshaven. “ On rounding the north part of Naalsoe we took a fisherman on board as pilot, and at 10'50 anchored in Thorshaven, and
(1) Band
(2) Band
(3) Saurblað
(4) Saurblað
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(11) Mynd
(12) Mynd
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(101) Saurblað
(102) Saurblað
(103) Band
(104) Band
(105) Kjölur
(106) Framsnið
(107) Kvarði
(108) Litaspjald

The North Atlantic telegraph via the Færöe Isles, Iceland, and Greenland


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Tengja á þessa bók: The North Atlantic telegraph via the Færöe Isles, Iceland, and Greenland

Tengja á þessa síðu: (36) Blaðsíða 30

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