(98) Blaðsíða 92 (98) Blaðsíða 92
92 THE NORTH ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH. October, and November, generally, this coast is free from ice, and a steam vessel can enter from the sea and depart from the coast almost any day, and not be interrupted during the autumn months. I am now over fifty years of age, and do not remember ever having seen an ice year as bad as this (1860). Even this year the coast of the Julianshaab District has been free from ice during the past and present months.” Extract from a Letter dated Julianshaab, November 3rd, 1860, from J. Anderson, Captain in the Royal Greenland Commercial Service since 1848. “During eight years, I was boatswain to a merchant vessel trading to this district, and during the last twelve years commander of the district schooner * Activ,’ of 22 tons burthen. During those periods, I have as an old sailor (for I have been forty years at sea) made many careful observations as to the nature of the ice along this coast. I have also kept a correct log (book which is now in the possession of the Board of Management of the Royal Danish Commercial Institution of Greenland), ever since the year 1849. “ Having gone through that log book, and compared it with my own views, I now express the opinion that, as a general rule, the ice mostly lies on the coast during the months of April and May, and that, on the other hand, the months which are free from ice are September, October, and November. It may be taken as a general rule, that during the months of September and October, even in what are called “ bad ice years,” this coast is free from ice. “ My own experience enables me to state positively—and my log book will bear me out in the statement—that steam-vessels can run straight into the settlement from the sea, with certainty, during the months before mentioned ; and, as a proof of the correctness of this opinion, reference may be made to this very year, which, in regard to ice, to my own knowledge, has been the worst and the longest in duration of any ‘ bad ice year ’ since my arrival here in the year 1841. The large vessel, ‘ Bulldog,’came straight to this place from sea; and since the date of its arrival, up to the present time„any ship, bo it what it may, might have been equally able to make this port, from the sea, and to leave it again without interruption from ice. “ Last year (1859) an American barque came straight into Kaksimiut, which is a little to the north of this settlement; but that i? not to be
(1) Band
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(3) Saurblað
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(11) Mynd
(12) Mynd
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(101) Saurblað
(102) Saurblað
(103) Band
(104) Band
(105) Kjölur
(106) Framsnið
(107) Kvarði
(108) Litaspjald

The North Atlantic telegraph via the Færöe Isles, Iceland, and Greenland


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Tengja á þessa bók: The North Atlantic telegraph via the Færöe Isles, Iceland, and Greenland

Tengja á þessa síðu: (98) Blaðsíða 92

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