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200 Appendix. shall be,” says Asbjorn. ThdrSr answered : “ There is many a slip ’tween cup and lip.” They then attacked ThdrSr and his men. ThdrSr cast a spear at Skeggi and aimed it at his middle, but a man ran before him, hight Halldorr, who was a near kinsman of Skeggi. The spear hit him in the middle and went through him, and into the breast of another man, who stood behind him, and they both fell down dead. The third he struck on the neck with the sword in such a manner that the head flew off. Now the attack became the strongest. ThdrSr and Skeggi fought the best part of the day in such a way, that nothing was gained on either side. Eyjulfr and Asbjorn fought furiously, and it could not be foreseen which of them would gain the victory; they inflicted on each other great wounds. Steingrlmr fought very boldly and killed four men. The fighting now changed thus, that Steingrimr was against Skeggi; but ThdrSr with his men fought against Skeggi’s, and killed five of them. The namesakes, Thorbjorn the Paltry and Thorbjorn the Puny fought one another with great vehemence, and the result was, that both fell dead. This very moment EfSr burst forth with his fifteen men. EfSr there and then dis- mounted, went between them, and parted them. Skeggi was very wroth, rode home to Reykir and Asbjorn with him, but they were anything but pleased with their journey. Asbjorn was laid up for a long time from his wounds, but at last was healed. ThdrSr and EiSr rode home to Os after the meeting. Thirteen of Skeggi’s men fell in the fight, but seven of ThorSr’s. Now both parties kept quiet, and the winter wore on. It happened one day, that EiSr rode to Reykir with nine men. His father received him well. EiSr said that he wanted to make peace. Skeggi replied, that there was time enough for that, “ and stay here for the rest of the winter.” EiSr said that so it should be. There was a great deal of coolness between EiSr and Asbjorn during the winter. EiSr had a suspicion, from the talk of Skeggi and Asbjorn, that they were seeking the life of ThdrSr, his foster-father: he therefore sent ThdrSr word, and told him to be on the look-out. It so happened once during the winter, that EiSr became aware of his father riding from home secretly and going up the district; he felt sure that his father meant some great undertaking; he therefore rode after him with nine men. They met up by Kroksmelar. Skeggi asked EiSr where he intended going. EiSr says : “ I was minded to fill your flock, my father.” Says Skeggi: “ Your intention is good, my kinsman, but I am going home, because I am unwell.” “ May be,” said EiSr, “ but I will ride to TorfastaSir, for I have an errand there.” Then they parted. Asbjorn, and six men with him, had gone the same day to the baths. Now there is to be said about ThdrSr the Terror, that he woke up this same morning, and said to his brothers: “ Thus my dreams have told me, that MiSfjarSar- Skeggi and Asbjorn are seeking my life; I shall therefore leave home tp^day, and cast about for some catch or another, if an opportunity should
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Summer travelling in Iceland


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