(20) Blaðsíða 14 (20) Blaðsíða 14
0LAFSEN AND POVELSEn’s n diameter. They are dressed by exposing them to the fire on a flag-stone, and they will keep for a long time. On Sundays they have a few dishes extraordinary; such as gruel made from barley or buck-wheat boiled in milk, or porrige, composed of milk and flour. Fat soup, meat stewed in skim milk, and eaten with different sauces 5 to which may be added a variety of other ragouts, customary in the coun- try. On the grand festivals of Christmas and Easter, they would think themselves lost, if they did not all have smoked meat, which they dress on the preceding evening. The peasant is not much in the habit of salting his meat, but prefers pressing it, to expel the superfluous juice ; he then leaves it for a couple of days, that the remainder of the juice may dry up, and afterwards hangs it in the chimney, eight or ten feet above the hearth. Some travellers have asserted, that meat prepared in this way is liable to spoil, but they are mistaken : it on the contrary keeps better than that which is smoked in other northern countries, and which is known by the name of Hamburgh beef. At Christmas each family kills a fat sheep, which is eaten with a sauce com- posed of milk gruel. The peasant never roasts his meat, but always eats it with this kind of broth, when inclined to regale himself. Besides the above-mentioned festivals, there are other days devoted to feasting. After the harvest they consume in each family what is called the fat lamb, or a sheep, if they have no lamb. On Shrove Tuesday they are obliged to give their work- men and servants as much smoked meat as they choose to take; on the next day meat is forbidden till Easter; and during this time they even avoid pronouncing its name. On Shrove-tide evening they make a joke of tampering and inciting each other to {troiiounce the word meat, because any person who says it loses lis portion on the following day. This abstinence appears to be .one of the remains of Catholicism. On the first summer’s day, which commonly falls on a Thursday, between the 18th and 25th ,of April, they are obliged to regale all their people with fresh, and, to them, delicate food, such as sausages, smoked mutton, fish, and fresh butter. In the parishes that are distant from the sea, they have various other dishes, of which milk forms the basis, the difference of which our travellers did not fail to observe, in their w'ay through the districts and cantons. It should be added, that some of the peasantry are in very easy circumstances, and procure many fo- reign luxuries ; but the poor inhabitants are proportionately nu-r merous, and indeed the great majority are obliged to subsist upon w'hat their own country affords. With respect to vegetables, Iceland in general is very poor. A royal ordinance of 1749 enjoined all the inhabitants to culti-
(1) Band
(2) Band
(3) Saurblað
(4) Saurblað
(5) Mynd
(6) Mynd
(7) Blaðsíða 1
(8) Blaðsíða 2
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(17) Blaðsíða 11
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(23) Blaðsíða 17
(24) Blaðsíða 18
(25) Mynd
(26) Mynd
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(28) Blaðsíða 20
(29) Mynd
(30) Mynd
(31) Blaðsíða 21
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(148) Blaðsíða 138
(149) Mynd
(150) Mynd
(151) Blaðsíða 139
(152) Blaðsíða 140
(153) Mynd
(154) Mynd
(155) Blaðsíða 141
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(162) Blaðsíða 148
(163) Blaðsíða 149
(164) Blaðsíða 150
(165) Blaðsíða 151
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(172) Blaðsíða 158
(173) Blaðsíða 159
(174) Blaðsíða 160
(175) Blaðsíða 161
(176) Blaðsíða 162
(177) Saurblað
(178) Saurblað
(179) Saurblað
(180) Saurblað
(181) Saurblað
(182) Saurblað
(183) Band
(184) Band
(185) Kjölur
(186) Framsnið
(187) Toppsnið
(188) Undirsnið
(189) Kvarði
(190) Litaspjald

Travels in Iceland


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