(28) Blaðsíða 20 (28) Blaðsíða 20
20 OLAFSEN AND POVELSEn’s This subject has been already noticed, when speaking of cutting the grass for hay : in like manner, a man employed in cutting turf ought to cut and stack, in the course of his day, 700 green turfs, with an assistant, who piles them up accordingly; or 900 other turfs without such aid. A girl is required, in her day’s labour, to collect and dry the hay which has been cut by three men ; and in winter, when she is employed in weaving, she is obliged to furnish weekly either 25 ells, or 5 ells per day, of Vudmel, a coarse woollen stuff, with which most of their clothes are made. A man must exert all his strength, in order to accomplish the task- imposed on him for his daily labour. Wages are very moderate; though somewhat higher, in the southern part, as they have not been fixed there by the laws of the country. A do- mestic, who is a good labourer, gains annually no more than four rix-dollars; and a female-servant only half that sum. A day-labourer, who hires himself to a farmer for the harvest, gets S rix-dollars; and, if he is employed throughout the sum- mer in these laborious tasks, he earns ten fish, or a mark of the Empire, equivalent to about 10 schillings per day. Several years have elapsed since this last assize has been followed in the southern part of Iceland : and all the ancient and modern regula- tions on this subject prove that the Icelanders think it contrary to the public good, and disadvantageous to every individual, to fix too high the value of a day’s labour. Various acts of the go- vernment have enacted that the wages of a stout hearty youth, obliged to do all the work of husbandry, whether abroad or at home, shall (exclusive of board) be 8 ells of Vudmel, and ten oere, or two rix dollars; togelher making somewhat more than three rix-dollars. If, however, a man-servant pos- sess any other talents, for instance, those of making household utensils, whether of wood or iron, he shall be allowed twelve ells of vadmel, and four rix-dollars in money. The wages of a good house-maid, capable of undertaking every thing connected with the family, and who is also skilled in working wool, are lixed at 5 ells of vadmel, and the remainder in money ; amounting in the whole to two lix-dollars annually. It was formerly the practice for an opulent countryman, who was not a vassal, always to reward the long and faithful services of a man or woman whom he had hired, by giving them at their marriage, furniture, utensils, and a sufficient quantity of tools to enable them to begin the world. A cow and some sheep, or at least a calf and some lambs, were sometimes added. This hope of reward was a great encouragement to industry and fidelity; but that practice has gradually fallen into disuse j and in the 16th century it had nearly become obsolete.
(1) Band
(2) Band
(3) Saurblað
(4) Saurblað
(5) Mynd
(6) Mynd
(7) Blaðsíða 1
(8) Blaðsíða 2
(9) Blaðsíða 3
(10) Blaðsíða 4
(11) Blaðsíða 5
(12) Blaðsíða 6
(13) Blaðsíða 7
(14) Blaðsíða 8
(15) Blaðsíða 9
(16) Blaðsíða 10
(17) Blaðsíða 11
(18) Blaðsíða 12
(19) Blaðsíða 13
(20) Blaðsíða 14
(21) Blaðsíða 15
(22) Blaðsíða 16
(23) Blaðsíða 17
(24) Blaðsíða 18
(25) Mynd
(26) Mynd
(27) Blaðsíða 19
(28) Blaðsíða 20
(29) Mynd
(30) Mynd
(31) Blaðsíða 21
(32) Blaðsíða 22
(33) Blaðsíða 23
(34) Blaðsíða 24
(35) Blaðsíða 25
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(107) Blaðsíða 97
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(110) Blaðsíða 100
(111) Blaðsíða 101
(112) Blaðsíða 102
(113) Blaðsíða 103
(114) Blaðsíða 104
(115) Blaðsíða 105
(116) Blaðsíða 106
(117) Blaðsíða 107
(118) Blaðsíða 108
(119) Blaðsíða 109
(120) Blaðsíða 110
(121) Blaðsíða 111
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(126) Blaðsíða 116
(127) Blaðsíða 117
(128) Blaðsíða 118
(129) Blaðsíða 119
(130) Blaðsíða 120
(131) Blaðsíða 121
(132) Blaðsíða 122
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(135) Blaðsíða 125
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(138) Blaðsíða 128
(139) Blaðsíða 129
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(141) Blaðsíða 131
(142) Blaðsíða 132
(143) Blaðsíða 133
(144) Blaðsíða 134
(145) Blaðsíða 135
(146) Blaðsíða 136
(147) Blaðsíða 137
(148) Blaðsíða 138
(149) Mynd
(150) Mynd
(151) Blaðsíða 139
(152) Blaðsíða 140
(153) Mynd
(154) Mynd
(155) Blaðsíða 141
(156) Blaðsíða 142
(157) Blaðsíða 143
(158) Blaðsíða 144
(159) Blaðsíða 145
(160) Blaðsíða 146
(161) Blaðsíða 147
(162) Blaðsíða 148
(163) Blaðsíða 149
(164) Blaðsíða 150
(165) Blaðsíða 151
(166) Blaðsíða 152
(167) Blaðsíða 153
(168) Blaðsíða 154
(169) Blaðsíða 155
(170) Blaðsíða 156
(171) Blaðsíða 157
(172) Blaðsíða 158
(173) Blaðsíða 159
(174) Blaðsíða 160
(175) Blaðsíða 161
(176) Blaðsíða 162
(177) Saurblað
(178) Saurblað
(179) Saurblað
(180) Saurblað
(181) Saurblað
(182) Saurblað
(183) Band
(184) Band
(185) Kjölur
(186) Framsnið
(187) Toppsnið
(188) Undirsnið
(189) Kvarði
(190) Litaspjald

Travels in Iceland


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