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IN NORWAY. 187 Aurland, and probably since the days of Brynjolf little has been changed. We can easily imagine his long low wooden hall, the main-door porch at one end, the women’s door at the other. Within it is all one room : the heavy rafters above are black with the smoke of the fire which in cold weather blazed all the way down the centre of the hall. Across one end was the high seat and the cross bench where the ladies sat, and the chief men on special occasions 5 but more often the men all sat at the evening carousal on long benches opposite to each other on each side of the fire, and handed each other the mead and ale across the blaze. Down the sides were wooden partitions, and beds within enclosed by movable shutters. Outside a separate building was called the dyngeye or bower, where the women wove and worked. Store-rooms, stables, byres, and sheep-cots surrounded the great hall, forming part of the tun or town, as we still say in speaking of a Scotch farm. Hersir Brynjolf had at this time two grown-up sons, Bjorn and Thord. “ Bjorn was a very travelled man, sometimes on Viking cruises, sometimes on merchant voyages. He was a very able man. It happened one summer that Bjorn was in the North- fjord, attending a crowded feast. There he saw a fair May who struck his fancy much. He asked of what family she was, and it was told him that she was the sister of Hersir Thorir, Hroald’s son, that her name was Thora, and she was surnamed Lace-hand. Bjorn courted her and asked her in marriage. And Thorir con- sented to his suit, and said that so it should be. That same autumn Bjorn collected some followers, and sailed with a swift cutter fully manned north to the Ijord district.” We know the beautiful voyage that he would make out of the Sognefjord and between the grand island mountains and the mainland, till, where there was an opening seawards, and, as the Norsemen say, the eye of the sea looks in on the land, he would turn in to the lovely Northfjord, and probably go up to what is now called Eide, as there the district Earl, which Thorir was, usually lived. It must have been a great disappointment to the expectant bridegroom to find that Thorir was not at home. His
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(310) Fore Edge
(311) Scale
(312) Color Palette

By fell and fjord or Scenes and studies in Iceland


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