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/ Enn dýr rödd Dcyanda svans Cialdt lof Kóiigi Guðelskanda, ISar þökk cfstu Bretuni góöuiu, Hcilsaöi GuÖi Ok kimua dýrö. Ritnir verkar Ilcyndrar æfi Lupu um bygÖir, Lesnir Jirörnandi; Ritnir á ný þeir rengduz sárla, Illaut misskilníng Skáld at þola. Dans ok Ingólfs Arfar þakkjátir Villu vcrstri Vildu bægja, Ritum fians Hcldu saman, Lcngi þau væntn Lestrar - tíma. Uns einn liinn Lesti Bretlendíngr, Vinr vísinda, Veitti styrk, Nú opinbert Eddu túnga Prísar Guö Ok Paradís. Senn í öllum Islands bæuin Miltons Ijóð Munu Lljóma; þökk ok JieiÖr þat þannig gélðr Bretsku skáldi, Bretskum vini. Yet the dear voice OJ dying sivan Praised his godlike Gracious íing, Gace /us last thanks To good Brilons, Hailed his God And hcaven' s glory. JVritten deeds Of wellspent life Ramblcd in huls Read, but decaying; TVritten a new JVrongs them slained, Soon must ihe Bard Be mistaken. TJanas and Thule’s Thankful sons TVuuld avcrt TVorst corruption, They carcful Colleeled wrils TVaiting long For lasling shape. Till a Brilon Brave and true, Son of Muses, Sent his aid; — jSow openly Fdda’s speech Praiseth God Atid Paradise. Soon in every Iceland hut Millons lay Shall loudly sound; iThanks and honour Thus it yields To British Bard To Brilish Jriendi Finrf Mctgnúóvn.


Minnis-ljód um Jón Milton ok Jón Þorláksson til Herra Jóns Heath M. A. frá Íslendíngum =

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