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5 é- Miltons liörpu Hann þar sló, Saung viö báan Ilelgan tón, I aldrænu Eddu máK, Prísun Guös Ok Paradísar. Fíngur þreyttir þulur ritu A þeim laungu Aptan - stunduin ; Tíru-ljós þar leiddi framm A bréfs völlu Blómstur skálda. Sumur lidu, Lupu vetrar, Flli ok sorgir Sóktu at skáldi, Bláfátækt Brjóst baus kreysti Meö ís-greipum Ok ísarn - nöglum. "Vini mærÖar Mein lians grættu, Gott þeir gjöröu, Gátu ej nóg. Snauöt er land Und leiðarstjörnu, llvar ís ok eldr Auöuir smíöa. Komu þá frá suðri Til Snjóvalands FerÖamenn tveir Fróöleiks at gæta, Ráðandi málrúuir Rask biun Danski, Henderson, guðspjöll Hclg at rækja. Miltons harp Tle there played, Sang in high And. holy tunes, In the olclen Edda - speech, Praise oj God And Paradise. TVeary Jingers JVrote the song In the long Evening hours ; Scanly lamp's Light produced On paper -plains Poel's Jlowers. Sumrners wenl, JVinlers ran —- Age and sorrows Seized the Scaid; Ilard Poverty Pressed his hreast JVitk icy grasps slnd iron naiis. Friends of wit Felt his pains, Sojtened his cares, ’They could not more; Poor is the land Of polar snow, JVJiere jrost and fire The Jields deslroy. TJien from tJie south To soil oj ice Came travellers Knowledge seeking, Recluding languages Jiash the Dane, Ilenderson, preserring Uoly gospel.


Minnis-ljód um Jón Milton ok Jón Þorláksson til Herra Jóns Heath M. A. frá Íslendíngum =

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