(135) Blaðsíða 121 (135) Blaðsíða 121
IMPRUDENCE. 121 return to my brother’s house, whilst I remained there. He was unwilling to part with me; but I could not bear to be the ruin of so good a brother. Without tel- ling him my design, I left his house, careless of what should become of me. Hunger, however, soon compelled me to think of some immediate mode of obtain- ing relief. I sat down upon a stone, before the door of a baker’s shop: the smell of hot bread temp- ted me in, and with a feeble voice I demanded charity. „The master baker gave me as much bread as I could eat, upon condition that I should change dresses with him, and carry the rolls for him through the city this day. To this I readily consented; but I had soon reason to repent of my compliance. Indeed, if my ill luck had not, as usual, deprived me at the critical moment of me- mory and judgment, I should never have complied with the baker’s treacherous proposal. For some time before, the people of Con- stantinople had been much dissa- tisfied with the weight and quality of the bread furnished by the bakers. This species of discontent has often been the sure forerunner of an insurrection; and, in these disturbances, the master bakers frequently lose their lives. All these circumstances I knew; hut they did not occur to my memory, when they might have been useful. „I changed dresses with the baker; but scarcely had I pro- ceeded through the adjoining street with my rolls, before the mob be- gan to gather round me, with reproaches and execrations. The crowd pursued me even to the gates of the grand seignior’s pa- lace : and the grand vizier alarm- ed at their violence, sent out an order to have my head struck off; the usual remedy, in such cases, being to strike off the ba- ker’s head. „I now fell upon my knees, and protested I was not the baker for whom they took me; that I had no connexion with him; and that I had never furnished the people of Constantinople with bread that was not weight. I declared I had merely changed clothes with a master baker, for this day; and that I should not have done so, but for the evil destiny which governs all my actions. Some of the mob exclaimed that I deserved to lose my head for my folly; but others took pity on me, and whilst the officer, who was sent to execute the vizier’s order, turn- ed to speak to some of the noisy rioters, those who were touched by my misfortune opened a pas- sage for me through the crowd, and thus favoured I effected my escape. ,.I quitted Constantinople: my vase I had left in the care of my brother. At some miles’ distance from the city, I overtook a party of soldiers. I joined them; and learning that they were going to embark with the rest of the grand seignior’s army for Egypt, I re- solved to accompany them. If it be, thought I, the will of Mahomet that I should perish, the sooner I meet my fate the better. The despondency into which I was sunk, was attended by so great a degree of indolence that I scar- cely would take the necessary means to preserve my existence. During our passage to Egypt, I sat all day long upon the deck of the vessel, smoking my pipe; and I am convinced that, if a
(1) Band
(2) Band
(3) Saurblað
(4) Saurblað
(5) Saurblað
(6) Saurblað
(7) Blaðsíða [1]
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(13) Mynd
(14) Mynd
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(229) Blaðsíða 215
(230) Blaðsíða 216
(231) Saurblað
(232) Saurblað
(233) Band
(234) Band
(235) Kjölur
(236) Framsnið
(237) Kvarði
(238) Litaspjald

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