(171) Blaðsíða 157 (171) Blaðsíða 157
MY COUNTRY TOWN. 157 character of the month — he en-1 tered our little parlour at Kens- ington. My husband was at the time reading aloud a notice of Cyril’s new picture just exhibited, and then considered his master- piece- We welcomed him, there- fore, with more than usual hap- piness. He looked happy himself. There was in his face the restful joy of one who had achieved ho- nour bravely to use it nobly — a feeling this so distinct from va- nity or pride, that it consists with the very humblest moments of man’s experience. „My visit might hardly have been so welcome”, said Cyril to my husband, „had you foreseen its object. That is nothing less than to rob you of your wife for a week.” He then told us that there had sprung up within him a sudden and peremptory yearning — a thirst, he called it — to see Win- borough and the haunts of his childhood once again, and in com- pany with his sister. My kind husband’s consent was readily gained. Our preparations were hastily made, and on the after- noon of the following day we were whirling at the rate of thir- ty miles an hour towards our first home. It seemed strange to me to de- sert the old coach-road by which, many years before, I had travell- ed to London; strange, instead of nooky village inns with bux- om , apron-smoothing landladies, to find slate-roofed, naked-look- ing stations — innovations from which at that time the old terri- torial families of trees and flowers stood disdainfully aloof. When we approached towns, I sighed in vain tor the winding horn and the clatter over the stones, and felt hurt at the usurpation of the railway-bell and whistle. I would have found every mile-stone lead- ing to dear old Winborough just as I had left it. Cyril, who had seen the place more recently, was prepared for changes, but they pained me extremely. At the end of our journey — it was then night — I could scar- cely set foot in Naseby Arms om- nibus, from a sense that it had injuriously displaced the defunct Monarch coach. I was positive- ly wroth to see the quaint, red- bricked Naseby Arms of yore now fronted with stucco and trans- formed into a hotel. The cham- ber-maids of past days had been lively and smiling; the new la- dies of the bed-chamber were re- served and mincing. The wai- ters of old ran about in jackets, and cried „coming!” Their suc- cessors, grave in tailed coats and and starch, glided before fyou like ghosts, and, like them, wait- ed until you broke the spell of silence by speaking first. It was not until Cyril and I were seated in a snug room at our little tea- table that my spirits revived. The first thing that did me good was the sight of a venerable urn of obsolete shape and battered sides. Shortly after, the waiter brought us tea-cakes of a kind peculiar to the district, and emitting a scorched, oveny sort of perfume. Had the scent been that of helio- trope, violet, or verbena, it could not so have touched me. That long-lost odour sent me back to the bright wide-ranged grate of the kitchen in Pollux Lane. I am not ashamed to say that I wept, and felt that I was once more at Winborough.
(1) Band
(2) Band
(3) Saurblað
(4) Saurblað
(5) Saurblað
(6) Saurblað
(7) Blaðsíða [1]
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(13) Mynd
(14) Mynd
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(231) Saurblað
(232) Saurblað
(233) Band
(234) Band
(235) Kjölur
(236) Framsnið
(237) Kvarði
(238) Litaspjald

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