(65) Blaðsíða 61 (65) Blaðsíða 61
rö, Island, Sibirien und den Nord-Polarlan- dern. - —> Mackenzie, G. S. Reise, 1821, 1826 og 1829. - —> Ross, John. Reizen naar Ysland. Harpe, J. F. de la. Abrégé de l'histoire générale des voyages. Nouvelle édition, revue corri- gée et augmentée d’un extrait des voyages les plus récens par M. le Baron de Roujoux. A l’usage des Maisons d’education. Pole bo- real. — Tome I. A Lyon: M. P. Rusand, 1834. [4], 424 bls. 8°. Livre troisiéme, Islande bls. 309-423. Harrison, James M. and Jeffrey Graham Har- rison. The Juvenile Plumage of the Icelan- dic Black-Tailed Godwit and further Occur- rences of this Race in England. [London] 1965. Bls. 10-14. British Birds 58. Harrison, Jeffrey Graham. Icelandic Birds. London 1965. Bls. 153. Bull. of the British Ornithologists’ Club 85. - —> Harrison, James M. and Jeffrey Graharn Harrison. The Juvenile Plumage. Harshberger, S. W. The Gardens of the Fae- roes, Iceland and Greenland. New York 1924. The Geogr. Revievv 14. Hart, Stanley R. and Jean-Guy Schilling. The Geochemistry of Basalts from Iceland and the Reykjanes Ridge. [Washington] 1973. Bls. 259-262. 4°. Carnegie Institution Year Book 72. - o.fl. Basalts from Iceland and along the Reykjanes Ridge: Sr-Isotope Geochemistry. S. í. 1973. Bls. 104-107. Nature Physical Science 246. - o.fl. Intralava Variation of Alkali Elements in Icelandic Basalts. New York 1971. Bls. 315-318. American Journ. of Sci. 270. Hartwig, Georg. Der hohe Norden im Natur- und Menschenleben dargestellt. Mit einer Karte. Wiesbaden: Kreidel und Niedner, 1858. xii, 484 bls., 1 uppdr. 8°. fsland bls. 406-457. - Der hohe Norden im Natur und Menschen- leben dargestellt. Zweite vermehrte Auíla- ge. Wiesbaden: C. W. Kreidel, 1867. ix, 419, [1] bls., 8 mbl. 8°. Der hohe Norden im Natur- und Men- schenleben dargestellt. Zweite (sic) ver- mehrte Auflage. Wiesbaden: M. Bischkopff, 1871. xi, [1], 419, [1] bls. 8 mbl. 8°. It. Norv. (199-200) getur um ártalslausa útg. bókarinnar á vegum C. W. Kreidels, og að útg. 1671 sé nákvæm eftirprentun eða leifar eldra upplags með nýju titilbl. Naturen og Menneskelivet i det hpie Nor- den. Oversat af Cand. theol. Th. Jensen Se- minarielærer. Kjpbenhavn: G. E. C. Gad, 1860. [4], 374 bls., 1 uppdr. 8°. fsland bls. 333-364. The Polar World: A Popular Description of Man and Nature in the Arctic and Antarctic Regions of the Globe. With Eight Chromo- xylographic Plates, Three Maps, and Nu- merous Woodcuts. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1869. xviii, [2], 548 bls., 8 mbl., 3 uppdr. 8°. The Polar World. 2nd Edition. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1874. xviii, [2], 548 bls., 8 mbl., 3 uppdr. 8°. The Polar World. New Edition. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1881. viii, [1], 548 bls., 8 mbl., 3 uppdr. 8°. The Polar World. New Edition. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1886. viii, [1], 548 bls., 8 mbl., 3 uppdr. 8°. The Polar World. New Edition. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1892. viii, 548 bls., 8 mbl., 2 uppdr. 8°. Capter V. Iceland bls. 50-108. Schiötz (It. Norv.) getur einnig um útg. frá 1896. The Polar World: A Popular Description of Man and Nature in the Arctic and Antarctic Regions of the Globe. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1869. 486 bls., myndir. 8°. Dwellers in the Arctic Regions. A Popular Account of the Men who live in Polar Re- gions. From “The Polar World”. London: Longmans, Green 8c Co., 1887. x, 158 bls. 8°. Ekki er víst að bókin segi frá íslandi. In het Noorden: Schetsen uit het leven der natuur en der menschen in het noordelijke gedeelte der aarde. Uit het hoogduitsch 61
(1) Band
(2) Band
(3) Saurblað
(4) Saurblað
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(169) Saurblað
(170) Saurblað
(171) Band
(172) Band
(173) Kjölur
(174) Framsnið
(175) Kvarði
(176) Litaspjald

Ísland í skrifum erlendra manna um þjóðlíf og náttúru landsins


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