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— Die Insektenfauna Islands und ihre Prob- leme. Mit einem Beitrag von M. Goetghe- buer. Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1931. Bls. 105-599. 8°. Sonderabdruck aus Zoologiska bidrag frán Uppsala 13. — Skaftafell, Iceland. A Living Glacial Refugi- um. Kpbenhavn 1965. 142 bls. 8°. Oikos, Supplementum 6. — Surtsey, Island — Untersuchungen iiber ter- restrische Biota. [Kiel] 1970. Bls. 11—19, 4 mbl. 8°. Der Naturwissenschaftliche Vercin fiir Schleswig-Holstein. Schriften, Sonder- band, Surtsey, Island. — Zur Land-Evertebratenfauna Islands I—II. Göteborg 1928-1929. 52, 34 bls. 8°. Göteborgs kungl. Vetenskaps- och Vitter- hets-Samhalles handlingar. Femte följden. Ser. B. Band I, N:o 4 och 6. — o.ll. Surtsey. Iceland. Development of a New Fauna 1963—1970. Terrestrial Inverte- brates. Copenbagen: Munksgaard, 1973. 280 bls. Entomol. Scandinavica. Supplement 5. Lindroth, Hjalmar. Farder pá Island — sagor- nas ö i Atlanten. Stockholm: Natur och kul- tur, 1936. Bls. 477-487. 8°. Jorden runt. Magasin för geografí och re- sor 8. — Island. Motsatsernas ö. Med illustrationer. Stockholm: Hugo Geber, 1930. xi, [1], 240 bls. 8°. — Iceland. A Land of Contrasts. Translated from the Swedisb by Adolph B. Benson. New York: American Scandinavian Foun- dation, 1937. viii, [4], 234 bls., 8 mbl. 8°. Lindsay, W. Lauder. Contribudons to the Li- chen-Flora of Northern Europe. S. 1. 1867. Bls. 365-416. 8°. Sérpr. úr Linnean Society’s Journ. Botany 9. — The Flora of Iceland. Edinburgh: Neill and Company, 1861. 40 bls. 8°. Sérpr. úr Edinburgh New Philosophical Journ. New Series, for July 1861. — The Flora of Iceland. Edinburgh 1861. Bls. 114-151. 8°. Transactions of the Bot. Society 7. — List of Cladoniæ Collected in Iceland, Faro, and Norway. S. 1. 1867. Bls. 419-422. 8°. Sérpr. úr Linnean Society’s Journ. Botany 9. — On the Eruption in May 1860, of the Kötlu- gjá Volcano, Iceland. Edinburgh: Printed by Neill and Company, MDCCCLXI. 52 bls., 1 uppdr. Sérpr. úr Edinburgh New Philosophical Journ. New Series, for January 1861. - On the Protophyta of Iceland. London 1867. Bls. 197-202. Quarterly Journ. of Microscopical Science. New Ser. 7. Lindström, G. Undersökning af pdlolit frán Theigarhorn, Island. Stockbolm 1907. Bls. 106-108. 8°. Geol. Foren. Stockholm. Forh. 29. Lindvik, Bernhard. Island i dag. Oslo: H. Aschehoug, 1950. 119 bls., 8 mbl., 1 uppdr. 8°. Linklater, Eric. The Northern Garrisons. Lon- don: His Majesty’s Stationary Office, 1941. 72 bls. 8°. lceland, bls. 24—51. Lippard, S. L. Report on the Geology of tbe Thjófadalafjöll Region. Newcastle 1973. Bls. 24-27. 4°. (Fjölrit). University of Newcastle upon Tyne Explo- ration Society. Report of the Expedition to Iceland 1973. Little, A. Clarke. Iceland and the Faröe Is- lands. London 1899. Bls. 385—401. 8°. Dublin Review 125. Liverpool Institute Mountaineering Club. Ice- land Expedition 1975. [Liverpool 1975]. 44 bls., myndir, töflur, uppdr. Lock, Charles G[eorge] Warnford. The Horne of the Eddas. With a Chapter on the Sprengisandr by Dr. C. Le Neve Foster. London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, 1879. xi, [1], 348 bls., 1 uppdr. 8°. Lock, WJilliam] G[eorge]. Askja. Iceland’s Largest Volcano: With a Description of the Great Lava Desert in the Interior: and a Chapter on the Genesis of the Island. Charlton, Kent: The Author, 1881. [8], 106 bls., 1 uppdr. 8°. - Askja. The Largest Volcano of Iceland. London 1881. Bls. 471-483. 8°. Proc. of the Roy. Geogr. Soc. 3. 94
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(176) Litaspjald

Ísland í skrifum erlendra manna um þjóðlíf og náttúru landsins


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