(72) Blaðsíða 68 (72) Blaðsíða 68
adskillige merkværdige Efterretninger og fortsat med et nyt Capitel til Slutning. Tre- die Oplag. Kipbenhavn 1762. Bekostet af Fridr. Christ. Pelt, Boghandler paa Bprsen i No. 21, 22 og 23. [12], 674, [26] bls. 4°. I þessari útgáfu eru miklu rækilegri frá- sagnir af Islandi en í hinum fyrri. Holboe, Manita. Vore nordiske naboer. 2. op- lag. Kpbenhavn: Jul. Gjellerups Forlag, 1962. 108 bls., myndir. 4°.' ísland bls. 95-105. Holland, E[dvard] T[hurstan]. A Tour in Ice- land in the Summer of 1861. London: Long- mans, Green, 1862. 128 bls., 1 mbl., 1 uppdr. 8°. Peaks, Passes, and Glaciers; Being Excur- sions by Mcmbers of thc Alpinc Club. Se- cond Series. Edited by E. S. Kennedy. Vol. 1. [Holland, Henry]. Journal of a Voyage Scc to Iceland in the Summer of 1810. Vol. I—II. [IV], 135, 152 bls. [sumar auðar]. Hdr. í Lbs., 3875-3876. 4°. Handritið var gefið út í London 1987. Isl. þýðing: Henry Holland. Dagbók í Islands- ferð. Reykjavík 1960. - Recollections of Past Life. London: Long- mans, Green, and Co., 1872. xvi, 346 bls, 8°. - Recollections of Past Life. Second Edition. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1872. xvi, 346 bls. 8°. - Recollections of Past Life. Third Edition. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1872. xvi, 346 bls. 8°. - Recollections of Past Life. Fourth Edition. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1873. xvi, 346 bls. 8°. - Recollections of Past Life. New York: Apple- ton & Co„ 1872. viii, 351 bls. 8°. Um íslandsferðir höfundarins 1810 og 1871, bls. 29-32 og 82 í ensku útgáfunum, en bls. 81 í þeirri amerísku. Schiötz getur um einkaprentútgáfu fyrir fjölskyldumeð- limi, er á að hafa komið út 1868 og aðra útg. “a certain number of copies” handa vinum, er kom út 1870. (It. Norv., bls. 215.) Holm, Gustav. De islandske Kursforskrifters Svalbatde. Kjpbenhavn 1926. Bls. 3-19. 8°. Geogr. Tidsskrift 29. [Holm, J. U. A.]. Reise-Erindringer fra Island. Kjpbenhavn 1868. Bls. 461—488, 1 mbl. 8°. Fra allc Lande. Et Maanedsskrift 8. Holm, Th. Contributions to the Flora of Ice- land. Kjpbenhavn 1897. Bls. 33-36. 8°. Bot. Tidsskrift 21. Holmes, P. F. and D. B. Keith. Observations on the Birds of Grímsey and North Iceland. London 1936. bls. 322-330. 8°. From the Ibis for April 1936. (Iceland Pa- pers I). Holmgren, Lennart och Curt Lofterud. Island. Stockholm: P. A. Nordstedt, 1974. 22 bls. 4°. Studiesatsen Island. Holst-Jensen, S. I Anledningaf en Islandsfærd. Kristiania 1894. Bls. 350-352, 373-379. 8°. For Kirke og Kultur 1. Hombron, M. Aventures les plus curieuses des voyageurs. Tome premier. Paris: Belin-Le- prieur et Morizot, 1847. iv, 496 bls. 8°. ísland bls. 23-28. Hooff, W. van [en] Gualthérie van Weezel. Een reis naar IJsland. S. 1. 1924. Bls. 183-189. 4°. De aarde en haar volken 60. Hook, Oliver. Notes on the Status of Seals in Iceland, June-July 1959. London 1961. Bls. 628—630, 1 uppdr. Proceedings of the Zool. Soc. of London 137. Hooker, William Jackson. Journal of a Tour in Iceland in the Summer of 1809. Yarmouth: Printed by J. Keymer, King-Street, 1811. Not Published. [2], lxii, 496, [8] bls., 4 mbl. 8°. Hluti af upplagi fyrri útgáfunnar, sem tal- ið er að höfundur hafi sent út til vina og kunningja áður en almenningsútgáfan kom á markaðinn. - Journal of a Tour in Iceland in the Summer of 1809. London: Printed for Vernor, Hood, and Sharpe, Poultry; and W. Miller, Albemarle-Street; ByJ. Keymer, Yarmouth, 1811. [2], lxii, 496, [8] bls., 4 mbl. 8°. - Journal of a Tour in Iceland in the Summer of 1809. Second Edition, with Additions. Vol. I [Vol. II]. London: Printed for Long- man, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, Pa- ternoster-Row; and John Murray, Albemar- le-Street; By J. Keymer, Yarmouth, 1813. [8], cvi, 369; [4], 391, [15] bls., 5 mbl., 3 uppdr. 8°. - Der neueste Besuch bey den siedenden 68
(1) Band
(2) Band
(3) Saurblað
(4) Saurblað
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(169) Saurblað
(170) Saurblað
(171) Band
(172) Band
(173) Kjölur
(174) Framsnið
(175) Kvarði
(176) Litaspjald

Ísland í skrifum erlendra manna um þjóðlíf og náttúru landsins


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