(18) Blaðsíða 10 (18) Blaðsíða 10
10 If0lge Tidssignal var den 12te August 9;‘ O’" l.s3 a. m. Chronometer Reid’s Correction til Greenwich Middeltid -f- 8m 40/8, der voxel' med 0/97 i 2 47‘. Herefter bliver Correctionen for Reid til Greenwich Middeltid ved den forste Observation oni Formiddagen -j- 8m 41.'’8, ved den sidste af de corresponderende Hojder om Eftermiddagen _j_ gm 42/0 og ved Aftenobservationerne -j- 8™ 42/1. Af Ligningerne findes den sandsynlige Fejl af en enkelt Hojde 3 = ± 6."3 og de sandsynligste Vserdier for Jcp - + 3."9 ± 0."74 Jl Forudsmttes en sandsynlig constant Fejl af + 10" i de maalte Hojder, vil denne i den beregnede Bredde give en sandsynlig Fejl af + 10. "76, og man faar saaledes som Resultat cp = 67° 17' 13. "9 + 10. "8 En constant Fejl af 10" i de maalte Hojder giver en Fejl af 0/51 i Lsengden. Den sandsynlige Fejl af den beregnede Lamgde kan derfor soettes lig On the 12th of August, 97i 0“ 1/3 a. m., the correc- tion for the Reid chronometer to Greenwich mean time, as determined by the time-signals, was -J-'8m 40/8, increasing 0/97 in twenty-four hours. Hence, the Reid correction to Greenwich mean time for the first observation in the fore- noon, will be -f- 8“ 41/8; for the last of the equal alti- tudes in the afternoon + 8m 42/0; and for the evening observations 8m 42/1. From the equations, the probable error of a single altitude is found to be 3 - ± 6."3, and the most probable values for = — 2. "4 + 3. "3 = — 0/19 ± 0/22 If we assume a probable constant error of + 10" in the observed altitudes, this error will affect the computed’lati- tude with a probable error of + 10."76, and the final result will be cp = 67° 17' 13."9 ± 10."8. A constant error of 10" in the observed altitudes, entails an error of 0/51 in longitude. The probable error of the computed longitude may accordingly he put at ]/ (0/22)3 + (0/51)* + D 4- D T) _l_ og man faar som Resultat l — 07‘ 57“ 39.'4 ± 0/63 E. Greenwich = 14° 24' 51" ± 9. "5 „ — Ifolge de norske Kystkarter ligger mit Observations- punkt paa. Bredde 67° 17' 15" Lsengde 14° 25' 40" = 07* 57“ 42/7 E. Greenwich. Del' er saaledes meget god Overensstemmelse i Bred- den, medens min Bestemmelse logger Bodo 3/3 vestligere end Kartet, en Afstand, der svarer til 594 Meter. and the final result will be X — 07* 57”' 39/4 + 0/63 E. Greenwich = 14° 24' 51" ± 9. "5 „ — On the Norwegian coastal charts my point of obser- vation is in Latitude 67° 17' 15" Longitude 14° 25' 40" = 07‘ 57"' 42/7 E. Greenwich. Hence the agreement in latitude is quite satisfactory, whereas my determination, as compared with the chart, pla- ces Bodo 3/3 farther west, a difference corresponding to 594 metres. 5. R0st. Observationerne toges paa en storre Holme, Skru- holmen kaldet, den 26de Juni 1877. Ved Middagstider toges en Rickke Circunnneridianhojder og om Eftermiddagen en Rrekke Hojder i Nrerheden af forste Vertical. Ved den forste Rrekke benyttede jeg mit Duplexuhr. der sammen- 5. Rest. The observations were made on a large holm, or islet, called Skruholmen, June the 26th 1877. At noon were taken a series of circum-meridian altitudes, and in the afternoon a series of altitudes near the prime vertical. For the first series, I used my duplex watch, which, imme-
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(113) Mynd
(114) Mynd
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(117) Band
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(119) Kjölur
(120) Framsnið
(121) Kvarði
(122) Litaspjald

The Norwegian North-Atlantic expedition 1876-1878 =


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