(99) Blaðsíða 35 (99) Blaðsíða 35
35 vel gjengivet i Planckerne til Gaimards Rejse med “la Recherche". Tort Billede, der viser Sydsidens Brseer, er taget fra den fremspringende Landtunge “Begravelsesplad- sen”. I Forgrunden sees, . hvorledes det ser ud paa en Campo santo paa Spidsbergen. Til Yenstre se vi Land- tungen, der forbinder Begravelsespladsen med Land, og ndenfor denne den saakaldte Gully’s Glacier. Dennes Ende bviler for en stor Del paa Fjseren, langs hvilken jeg pas- serede foran den, men i Midten gaar Brseen ud i Havet og her losner stadig Stykker af den. Jeg blev Yidne til et saadant Skuespil. En boj Issojle loste sig med et Brag fra Braeens yderste Yaeg. Den heldede udover og begyndte sit Fald med en svingende Bevsegelse, stpttet paa sin un- derste Ende. Jeg ventede at se den falde med hele sin Sideflade i Yandet, men dette skede ikke. Da den havde svunget udad en 30 Grader fra Yerticalen, sank bele Is- sojlen med Et sammen med en gjennemgaaende Vertical- bevsegelse, knustes og strpedes som mindre Stykker over Seen, der ved Faldet sattes i sterk Bolgegang. — Jeg var oppe paa Brseen paa dens Nordside; den var uden storre Sprsekkef og havde en meget jevn Overflade. I det indre Basin af Magdalena Bay gjenfandt jeg de af Charles Martins i 1839 maalte lave Dybtemperaturer. Bundtemperaturen var her —2.°1, den laveste Temperatur i Havet. jeg havde fundet paa hele vor Expedition. Og her var et rigt arctiskt Dyreliv. Fra den 19de til den 22de August laa Expeditionen tilankers i Advent Bay, Isfjorden, Spidsbergen, medens Maskinen eftersaaes. Denne Anledning benyttede Capt. Wille til at optage et npiagtigt Kart over Advent Bay, der ofte besoges af norske Fangstfartojer. Eftermiddagen den 19de benyttedes til en Recognoscering, og der opsattes nogle Signaler. Den 20de ora Morgenen tog jeg paa Odden (Basis A) en Rsekke Solbojder. (Se H. Molm. Astrono- nriske Observationer Side 19). En Grundlinie blev udstuk- ketog merket med Teltpinde paa det flade og jevne Terrsen langs Stranden. Grundlinien er i Kartet optrukket mellem Punkterne A og B. Horizontalvinklerne til de nsermeste Signaler maaltes med Theodolit. Yed Middagstid bestemtes Azimut af Linien A C med Theodolit og Solen af Capt. Wille og mig i Forening. Derpaa fik jeg atter nogle Sol- hojder. Om Eftermiddagen rejste Capt. Wille med Baad rundt den indre Del af Bugten og maalte med Sextant Horizontalvinklerne mellem de opsatte Signaler. Samtidig kenned maalte jeg Grundliniens Lsengde. Jeg benyttede hertil 3 Trsestsenger, af tilsammen 9.112 Meters Lamgde, ret afskaarue for Enderne. Disse lagdes af- mine Assisten- ter, BaadsiJianden og en Matros, fra Basis B af paa Jorden, mirably rendered in the Plates annexed to Gaimard’s voyage with “la Recherche.” Our view of the glaciers of “the burial ground.” In the foreground, we have the aspect of a Campo Santo on Spitzbergen. To the left stretches the isthmus connecting the burial-ground with the main land, and off. the former rises the so-called Gully’s Glacier. The terminal portion of this glacier rests in- greater part on the beach, along which I strolled below it; but the middle section projects into the sea, and here large fragments are continually breaking off. I was myself a witness of this gradual dismemberment. A lofty column of ice parted with a loud crash from the outer wall of the glacier. Supported at its lower end, the fall commenced with a slow, swaying movement. I expected to see it strike the water with the whole of its lateral surface, but in this was mistaken; having swung some 30 degrees out of the perpendicular, the entire column suddenly collapsed, taking a well-nigh vertical direction, and was smashed to pieces, the fragments being scattered over the sea, which became violently agitated by the shock. I had ascended the gla- cier from the north side; its surface was remarkably even and exhibited no considerable fissures. In the inner basin of Magdalena Bay I observed the low deep-sea temperatures found by Charles Martins in 1839. The bottom-temperature was — 2.°1 C., the low- est temperature I at any time observed in the water of the sea on the cruises of the Expedition. And yet these depths disclosed an abundance of animal life. From the 19th to the 22nd of August, the “Vorin- gen” lay at anchor in Advent Bay, Ice Sound, Spitzbergen, her engines having to be cleaned and examined. Capt. Wille took advantage of this opportunity to construct a map of Advent Bay, a locality which is frequently visited by Norwegian fishing vessels. The afternoon of the 19th was devoted to reconnoitring in the vicinity of the Bay, and a few signals were erected. On the morning of the 20th, I took from the tongue of land (Base A) a series of solar altitudes (See H. Molm. Astronomical Observations, p. 19). Abase line was marked out with tent-pegs along the flat, beacliy strand. On the Map, the base line extends between the points A and B. About noon, Capt. Wille and myself determined with the theodolite the azimuth of the line AO by the sun. I then succeeded in taking another series of solar altitudes. In the afternoon, Capt. Wille rowed round the inner shore of the Bay, and measured with the sextant the horizontal angles between the signals. Whilst he was thus engaged, I measured the length of the base line. For this purpose, I made use of three wooden rods, cut straight off' at the ends, measuring together 9.112 metres. These rods were placed on the ground by my two assistants, the
(1) Band
(2) Band
(3) Saurblað
(4) Saurblað
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(114) Mynd
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(117) Band
(118) Band
(119) Kjölur
(120) Framsnið
(121) Kvarði
(122) Litaspjald

The Norwegian North-Atlantic expedition 1876-1878 =


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