(82) Blaðsíða 18 (82) Blaðsíða 18
18 paa Kartet, der er fremstillet vecl Hojdekurver for liver 100 Meter, beror paa vort faelles Arbejde, saaledes at de store Traek ere udkastede af Capt. Wille, medens jeg bar nsermere udarbejdet Detaljen. Herved er stadig taget Hensyn til, at Skitserne gjerne, soni ■ ogsaa de udforte Vinkelmaalinger vise, overdrive de verticale i Forliold til de horizontale Dimensioner. Efter mange gjentagne Forseg er det i det Hele taget lykkets mig at tilvejebringe en god Overensstemmelse mellem Skitserne og de tagne Vinkelmaal. 0ens geografiske Beliggenhed er aflagt efter vore astronomiske og geodetiske Observationer.1 Yed Sammenligning mellem de seldre Karter og vort vil man finde adskillige Afvigelser. Jeg. skal her vise de vigtigste af disse. Scoresby’s Bredder stemme gjennemgaaende godt med vore. Efter Udmaaling af 19 Punkter finder jeg, at Sco- resbys Bredder i Gjennemsnit er et halvt Minut storre end vore, og den storste Forskjel er 2 Minuter. Scoresby’s Laengder ere derimod gjennemsnitlig 28 Bueminuter mindre end vore. Afvigelsei'ne variere mellem 20 og 33 Minuter. Med andre Ord, Jan Mayen ligger efter vor Bestemmelse lidt over 9 Kvartmil lfengere Yest end i Scoresby’s Kart og i de liidtil brugte Spkarter. Da vor Lamgdebestemmelse ikke er usikker paa mere end nogle faa Tidssekunder, bliver Jan Mayens geografiske Beliggenhed at rette i Ivarterno. Ogsaa den hollandske Expedition med Skonnerten “Willem Barendsz” i 1878 fandt Jan Mayens vestlige Lsengde storre end Karterne angive. Scoresby's Bestemmelse er fra Au- gust 1817; ban havde da vseret i Seen fra Yaaren af, og det er ikke at undres over, at bans Chronometers beregnede Stand kunde afvige betydeligt fra den rigtige. “Zeespiegel” lsegger Jan Mayen mellem Bredderne 71° 0' og 71° 30', altsaa en 15 Minuter for langt mod Nord, • og 0ens Midte paa Meridianen af Cap Landsend, eller 5° 40' Yest for Greenwich, det er nsesten 3 Grader for langt mod 0st. Den nordlige Del af Gen og den midterste lave Del stemme i sine storre Omrids vel overens paa alle Karter. Den sydlige Del derimod have vi fundet kortere og bredere end paa de seldre Karter, et Resultat, der fremgaar saavel af vore' Vinkelmaalinggr som af de, med Loggemaskinen bestemte, udsejlede Distancer. Efter alle vore Vinkelmaalinger, saavel horizontale som verticale, og efter alle Sldtser ligger Beerenbergs Ivegle og Krater mere centralt paa Nordlandet end bos Scoresby og Vogt. Yi fandt Hojden af Beerenberg den 3die August at va?re 1945 Meter, medens Scoresby angiver den til 6870 the island, in particular as regards their vertical extent. The relief of the land — shown on the Map by contour lines for every 100 metres, — is the result of our joint labours, Capt. Wille having laid down the general features while I worked out the details. Regard has been everywhere had to the ten- dency exhibited in the sketches, as confirmed too by the tri- gonometrical measurements, of increasing the vertical and lessening the horizontal extent. After numerous re-iterated attempts I at length succeeded in attaining satisfactory agreement between the sketches and the trigonometrical measurements. The geographical position of the island is that found from our astronomical and geodetical observations.1 On comparing the earlier maps of Jan Mayen, with that we have now constructed, ours will be found to differ in many respects. I will point out the most important. Scoresby’s latitudes agree on the whole satisfactorily with those determined by ourselves. By direct measure- ment of 19 points, I found Scoresby’s latitudes on an aver- age to exceed ours by half a minute; the greatest difference is 2 minutes. Scoresby's longitudes, however, are on an average 28 minutes of arc less than ours. The difference varies between 20 and 33 minutes. In short, dan Mayen, according to our determination, lies a little more than 9 miles farther west than it does on Scoresby’s map and the charts in use up to the present time. As the error of our determination of longitude does not amount to more than a few seconds in time, the' geographical position of Jan Mayen on maps and charts will henceforth have to be rectified. The Dutch Expedition, too, despatched in 1878 with the schooner “Willem Barendsz,” found the west longitude of Jan*Mayen to Ijo greater than that given in the charts. Scoresby’s determination dates from August 1817. As captain of a whaler, Scoresby had then been at sea since the spring of the year; and hence it is not surprising that the true error of his chronometer should have deviated considerably from that computed. The “Zeespiegel” places Jan Mayen between the par- allels 71° 0' and 71° 30', thus 15 minutes too far north, and the middle of the island on the meridian of Land’s End, or 5° 40' west of Greenwich •— nearly 3 degrees too far east. The northern part of the island and the low-lying central tract agree well in their general contours on all the maps. The southern part, on the other hand, we found to be shorter and broader than it is given on the earlier maps, a result derived alike from our trigonometrical obser- vations and the extent of the coast as determined by the water-log. According to all our trigonometrical measurements, both horizontal and vertical, as also the numerous sketches, the cone and crater of Mount Beerenberg should have a more central position in the northern part of the island than has been given them by Scoresby and Vogt. We found Se H. Mohn. Astronomiske Observationer Side 23. 1 H. Mohn. Astronomical Observations, p. 23.
(1) Band
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(109) Mynd
(110) Mynd
(111) Mynd
(112) Mynd
(113) Mynd
(114) Mynd
(115) Mynd
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(117) Band
(118) Band
(119) Kjölur
(120) Framsnið
(121) Kvarði
(122) Litaspjald

The Norwegian North-Atlantic expedition 1876-1878 =


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