(26) Blaðsíða 18 (26) Blaðsíða 18
18 disse Omstsendigheder var det desvserre, at ,jcg ikke kunde faa nogen, brugbar Bestennnelse af Indexfejlen. Denne har j eg sen ere spgt at finde saalcdes: I Hammerfest den 9de Juli 1878 ved en Temperatur i) » 10de „ „ „ Christiania „ lite Decb. — „ „ be dispensed with. ' As a consequence of these atmospheric conditions, I failed to obtain a trustworthy determination of the index-error. This I sought subsequently to find in the following manner: — af 4- 8° C. var Indexfejlen (Index-error) + 2' 7" - - +23 „ - 3 „ „ - - + 2. 27 Under Observationerne i Advent Baj var Luftens Temperatur + 3°, hvortil, efter grafisk Interpolation, snarer en Indexfejl af. + 2' 16", der er benyttet til Beregningen af Hpjderne. • Den benyttede Solradius er den, som er udledet af Sammenligning mellem Observationerne af dvre og nedre Solrand. Observationsuhr var mit Lommeclironometer, der fdr og efter sammenlignedes med Hovedchron’ometret Reid ombord. Reid 197i' 4™ O.’O O'* 1 55™ 0/0 Lommeckron. 19 53 58-. 6 1 44 57.2 Corr. t. Reid — 49 58.6 — 49 57.2 Efter de timevise meteorologiske Iagttagelser ombord var ved Morgenobs. Kl. 9 a. in. Barom. = 755.™™1 Temp. = 3.°0 „ Efterm.obs. „ 1 p. m. (— 755. 0 — 2.6 During the observations taken at Advent Bay, the temperature of the atmosphere was + 3°, to which, as. found from diagrammatic interpolation, corresponds an index-error of + 2' 16", that assumed for computing the altitudes. The apparent semidiameter of the sun taken for the computation, is that determined from a comparison of the observations of the upper and lower limbs. On this occasion, I observed with my pocket-chrono- meter, which, before and after the observations, was com- pared on board witli the chief timekeeper (Reid). Reid 19* 4™ O.’O 0* 55™ O.’O Pocket-chron. 19 53 58.6 1 44 57.2 Corr. to Reid — 49 58.6 — 49 57.2 . According to the hourly meteorological observations on board, the temperature and barometric pressure were as follows: — 9 a. m. Barometer 755.™ml Temp. 5.°0 1 p. m. — 755. 0 — 2.6 1878. August (August) 19—20. Lommechron (Pocktt-Chronometer) 2 h' j Lommechron. (Pocket-Chronometer) 2 h' j 20a 35 >» 59-*6 O 40° 50' of ' — 1" Qh 2 Q m 55’ © 47° 8.' 50" + 1" 37 13. 0 55 40 — I 33 50 © 48 5 5 — 7 39 18. 4 4i 4 55 O 34 40 48 3 50 _ 4 44 43-'2 O 42 3i 40 + I I 35 40 © 46 59 10 — 5 50 37- 2 42 56 IO — 2 37 28- 46 56 10 + 1 55' 52. 0 43 17 50 + I 41 55 © 47 51 5 + 5 57 20. O 43 23 45 — I 59 43- 2 43 33 15 — 4 21 6 32. 0 G> 42 57 10 + 3 7 37- 6 ■43 I 20 + 3 • Ved de mindste Kvadraters Metliode har Hr. Astrand fundet, idet der ssettes cp0 — 78° 14' 48", A0 = V‘ 2“ 15/9, og Reids Correction til Greenwich Middeltid ved Formiddagsobservationerne + 16™ O.’O, By the method of the least square's, putting <pc = 78° 14' 48", l0 — 1* 2™ 15/9, and the Reid correction to Greenwich mean time for the a. m. observations zz + 16™ 0/0, Mr. Astrand found 6 = ± 3."3 J q, - + 0."4 ± l."l, J l - + 0."3 ± 7."8 = + 0/02 ± 0/52.
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(112) Mynd
(113) Mynd
(114) Mynd
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(117) Band
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(119) Kjölur
(120) Framsnið
(121) Kvarði
(122) Litaspjald

The Norwegian North-Atlantic expedition 1876-1878 =


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