(66) Blaðsíða 2 (66) Blaðsíða 2
 2 Fod sees en Hule i Havbrynet; den bensevnes Kettshellir, og er et af de mange Vidnesbyrd om Havets Yirkninger paa Kysterne, paa hvilke Fteroernes og Islands Klippe- strande ere saa rige. Taag'en ligger over Havet og stenger Udsigten til Island selv, med de store Jokler. Yende vi fra Ankerpladsen Blikket rundt, saa se vi mod Syd eller Sydvest den Idle, men regelmsessige, nu ud- slukte Yulkan Helgafell. Den 23de Juli 1876 gjorde jeg, i Folge med Distriktslsegen, Thorsteinn Jonsson, en Tur til Toppen af Helgafell. Yejen gik 'forst over en udstrakt Lava-Mark, “hraun”,. der skraaner nedad fra Yulkanens Kegle. I denne Lava Andes Here Huler. .En af dem er sine 20 Meter lang og 10 Meter bred; ovenfra kommer man ned i den gjennem et lidet Hul, gjennem hvilket man kan hoppe ned paa Bunden. I en Hojde af omtrent 124 Meter over Havet ophorte Lavamarken og aflostes af den Overste Yulkan- eller Aske-Kegle. Denne bestaar af ud- kastede Ipse Masser, tildels af storre Dimensioner, som Lavablokke af indtil 1 Meters Lsengde, men hovedsagelig af mindre, aflangt riinde, rpdlige Slaggestene og endnu mindre, morke Smaasten og Sand*. Paa Toppen af Helgafell er der en kraterformet For- dybning. Den stprste Hojde af Krater-Randen ligger mod Sydost, den laveste mod Rordvest. Forskjel i Hojde c. 12 Meter. Kraterets Bund ligger igjen omtrent 12 Meter lavere end Randens laveste Parti. Keglens ydre Skraaning har en Heldning af c. 35°. Den er kortest paa Sydsiden,' hvor de Ipse Materialier ikke rcekke saa langt ned som paa Nordsiden, og fra hvillcen Side derlor ogsaa Bestigningen er lettest. Hojden af det Punkt, hvor Keglen rsekker lsengst ned paa Nordsiden og hvor Lavamarken begynder, samt Hojden af den hojeste Kam paa Helgafells Krater er beregnet efter Observationer med Aneroidbarometer. Dette sammenligne- des med Observationerne ombord (der udfprtes liver Time), idet jeg afkeste det ved Havfladen for og efter Opstigningen. Desuden anbragtes de ved Undersogelsen paa det meteoro- logiske Institut bestemte Correctioner for forskjellige Hoj- der. Luftens Temperatur maaltes med Slyngetkermometer. Yed Stranden var den 0.°2 til 0.°3 hojere end ombord i “Yoringen”. De til Normalbarometer og Normalthermo- meter reducerede observerede Yairdier vare: there at the summit the eye rests refreshed upon grassy patches of the rich bright-green tint peculiar to the island herbage of north-western Europe. At the foot of the cliff we see a cave, called Klettsliellir; it is one of the striking proofs given by the sea of its action on coasts, of which so many are to be met with along the rocky shores of the Faeroes and Iceland. A mist lies over the ocean, shutting out from view the main land of Iceland, with its great glaciers. Bearing south, or rather south-west, from the anchor- age, we have the small, but in form regular, and now ex- tinct volcano Helgafell. On the 23rd of June, 1876, I made an excursion to the top of this mountain, in com- pany with the surgeon of the district, Mr. Thorsteinn Jons- son. The way led at first over a broad expanse of lava, hraun, shelving down from the cone of the volcano. In the lava are a number of caves. To one of these, measu- ring 60 feet in length by 30 in width, access is gained from above through a narrow opening, down which you can leap to the bottom. The field of lava reaches about 370 feet above the sea, as far as the upper cone of the volcano. This cone consists partly of loose ejected masses, for instance blocks of lava measuring as much as 3 feet in length, but chiefly of reddish oval-shafted cinders, along with dark-coloured pebbles and sand. At the summit of Mount Helgafell there is a crater- like excavation. The height of the edge is greatest towards the south-east, least towards the north-west, the difference being about 40 feet. The bottom of the excavation lies about 40 feet beneath the lowest part of the edge. The outer slope of the cone inclines at an angle of circa 35°. It is shortest on the south-side, where the loose debris do not extend so far down as on the north, and up the southern acclivity the ascent of the mountain is therefore easiest. The altitude of the lowest point to which the wall of the cone descends on the north side, viz. where the field of lava begins, as also of the loftiest ridge of the crater, was computed from observations with the aneroid barometer. The readings of the instrument at the level of the sea, which I noted before and after the ascent, were compared with the observations on board, taken every hour, and the corrections found at the Meteorological Institute for diffe- rent altitudes duly applied. The temperature of the atmo- sphere was taken with the sling thermometer. Along the shore it was from 0.°2 to 0.°3 higher than on board the “ Yoringen.” The observed values reduced to those of the standard barometer and standard thermometer, were as follows: — Temp. 8.°5 0. — 9. 5 — 6. 7 — 9. 4 1. Foden af Keglen (Foot of Cone) Kl. lh• 6™ p. m. Havfladen (Sea-level) „ „ — Resultat. Hojde (Result. Height) = 124 Meter (Metres). 2. Toppen af Helgafell (Summit of Helgafell) Kl. 7A22mp. m. Havfladen (Sea-level) „ „ — Resultat. Hojde (Result. Height) = 240.5 Meter (Metres). Bar. reduc. 736.mra7 — — 747. 9 — — 726. 35 _• _ 747. 9
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(119) Kjölur
(120) Framsnið
(121) Kvarði
(122) Litaspjald

The Norwegian North-Atlantic expedition 1876-1878 =


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