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Masuda, A. —> Shimokawa, T. and A. Masuda. Rare-Earths. Mathiesen, Haagen. Str0mningernes Beliggen- hed og Drivisens Forekomst i de nordlige Atlanterhav og dlgrændsende Polarhave. [Kj0benhavn 1864]. 12 bls., 1 uppdr. 8°. Tidsskrift for S0vesen 9. — Ueber die Entstehung des Monte Nuovo und die neueste Hekla-Eruption. Stuttgart 1846. Bls. 586-595. Neues Jahrb. f. Mineral. Geognosie etc. Jahrg. 1846. Maudsley, Alfred P. Life in the Pacific fifty Years ago. London: Routledge, 1930. viii, 261 bls., 2 mbl., 1 uppdr. 8°. Iceland, bls. 35-48. Maurer, Konrad. Island. Augsburg 1874. Bls. 3281-3282, 3461-3463, 3479-3480. 2°. Beilage zur Allgemeinen Zeitung. No. 210, 222-223. — Island. S. 1. & a. Bls. 354-360. 8°. Bluntschli und Brater, Deutsches Staats- wörterbuch 5. — Island. Leipzig 1885. Bls. 790-792, 804- 807, 820-822. 4°. Das Magazin fiir die Literatur des In- und Auslandes No 50-52. Greinin er ritdómur um þrjár bækur, er fjalla um Island: Kon- rad Keilhack, Rcisebilder; Ph. Schweitzer, Island og J. C. Poestion, Island. — Island und Danemark I—III. Augsburg 1874. Bls. 297-298, 386-388, 403-404. 2°. Beilage zur Allgemeinen Zeitung. No. 21, 27, 28. Maurik, H. G. van. IJsland in de Golfstrootn. Meppel: ). A. Boom & Zoon, 1959. 187 bls., 12 mbl., 1 uppdr. 8°. — IJsland in de Golfstroom. 2. uitgaaf. Mep- pel: J. A. Boom & Zoon, 1968. 187 bls., 12 mbl., 1 uppdr. 8°. Maxwell, Gavin. Raven seek thy Brother. Lon- don: Longmans, 1969. x, 210 bls., 24 ntbl. 8°. Um Island á víð og dreif. Mayer, Auguste. Island för hundra ár sedan. Efter litografier i Recherche expeditionens Atlas historique. Första gángen av trycket utgivna i Paris 1842. Ányo utgivna 1934 av Samfundet Sverige-Island. Stockholm: Lars Hökerbergs förlag, 1934. 32 bls., 48 mbl. 8°. 100 Skrifter utgivna av Samfundet Sverige-Is- land 4. Mayer, Theodor Heinrich. Im ewigen Eis. Aus der Geschichte der Polarforschung. Mit 4 Kunstdrucktafeln und 2 Kartenbeilagen. Wien: Universum Verlagsgesellschaft, 1947. 303, 1 bls., 2 mbl., 2 uppdr. 8°. Um Island á víð og dreif. McCormick, W[illiamJ T[homas]. A Ride Across Iceland in the Summer of 1891. Lon- don: Digby, Long & Co., 1892. [8], 103, [8] bls., 1 mbl. 8°. McDougall, I. and H. Wensink. Paleomagne- tism and Geochronology of the Pliocene- Pleistocene Lavas in Iceland. S. 1. 1966. Bls. 232-236. Earth and Planetary Sci. Letters 1. McElhinny, M. W. —» Wilson, R. L. and M. W. McElhinny. Investigation of the Large Scale Palaeomagnetic Field. McKain, Keith A. The Geomorphology of the Surtshellir-Stefánshellir Lava Tube System Hallmundarhraun, Iceland. S. 1. 1973. (Fjöl- rit). McKean, D. B. A Boy’s Visit to Iceland. Illu- strated by J. Ayton Symington. London: Wells Gardner, Darton & Co., 1906. 187 bls. 8°. — A Boy’s Visit to Iceland. Illustrated by J. Ayton Symington. Boston: Dana Estes & Co., s. a. 187 bls. 8°. McLean, I. Spring Migration of Iceland Red- wing. London, 1959. Bls. 81—83. Bird Migration 1. M’Crindle, J. W. Thoroddsen on the Lava-De- sert in the Interior of Iceland. [Edinburgh] s. a. Bls. 626-634. 8°. Scottish Geogr. Magazine 1. McVean, D. N. Notes on the Vegetation of Ice- land. Edinburgh 1955. Bls. 320-338. Transactions and Proceed. of the Bot. Soc. of Edinburgh 36. Megiser, Hieronymus. —» Blefken, Dithmar. Is- landia. Meignan, Victor. Pauvre Islande! Paris: Ernest Kolb, [1889]. viii, 281 bls., 10 mbl., 1 upjDdr. 8°. Meinardus, Wilhelm. Periodische Schwankun-
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Ísland í skrifum erlendra manna um þjóðlíf og náttúru landsins


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