(152) Blaðsíða 148 (152) Blaðsíða 148
Dr. Uno von Troil, and several other Li- terary and Ingenious Gentlemen. Written by Uno von Troil, D. D. First Chaplain to his Swedish Majesty, Almoner of the Swe- dish Orders of Knighthood, and Member of the Academy of Sciences at Stockholm. To which are added the Letters of Dr. Ihre and Dr. Bach to the Author, concerning the Edda and the Elephantiasis of Iceland: Also Professor Bergman‘s Curious Observations and Chemical Examination of the Lava and other Substances produced in the Island. With a new Map of the Island, and Repre- sentation of the remarkable Boiling Foun- tain called by the Inhabitants Geyser. Du- blin: Printed by G. Perrin, For S. Price, W. and H. Whitestone, J. Potts, T. Walker, C. Jenkins, W. Hallhead, J. Wallance. L. Whi- te, ]. Beatty, P. Higly, and P. Byrne. M, DCC, LXXX. xxvi, 400 bls., 1 mbl., 1 uppdr. 8°. Útg. þessi er talin þjófprent eftir útg. í London sama ár. - [Letters on Iceland]. Iceland. London 1788. Bls. 1-14. 8°. Adams, Joltns. The Flower of Modern Travels 1. - Letters on Iceland. London 1808. Bls. 621— 734. 4°. Útdráttur í A Ceneral Collection of the Best and Most Interesting Voyages and Travels by John Pinkerton 1. - Lettres sur 1‘Islande, Par M. de Troil, Evé- que de Linkæping. Traduites du Svédois. Par M. Lindblom, Secrétaire-Interpréte du Roi au Département des Affaires Etrangé- res. Avec Figures. A Paris, de 1‘imprimerie de Monsieur, M. DCC. LXXXI. xlviij, 474 bls., 3 mbl., 1 ujjpdr., 1 tfl. 8°. - Brieven betreffende eene reize In het jaar 1772 na Ysland gedaan door Dr. Uno van Troil, In het nederduitsch vertaald met plaaten. Te Leyden, By S. en J. Luchtmans, MDCCLXXXIV. xvi, 482 bls., 12 mbl., 1 uppdr. 8°. - Nieuwe reize naar Ysland, Staffa en andere onderhoorige eilanden. Behelzende veele zeldzaame merkwaardigheden en verbaa- zende wonderen der Natuur, zoo van bran- dende Bergen als kookende Fonteinen, het bovennatuulyk fingalshol; een fraai en groots werk der Natuur. Benevens de le- 148 venswyze der Inwoonderen, haare Ontdek- king, Opkomst, Staatkunde, Kerkelyke, Na- tuurlyke Wetten, Huishouwkunde, en veele weetenswaardige zaaken, die de opmerking verdiend, dat der Natuur- en Huishouw- kunde betreft, van Vischen en Planten, enz. enz. Door Uno van Troil, Eerste Koning- lyke Hofprediker te Stokholm. Met Plaaten. Te Amsterdam, By Lourens Groenewoud in de Haringpakkery. 1802. xvi, 482 bls., 12 mbl., 1 uppdr. 8°. Útg. frá 1784 með nýju titilblaði. - Briefe welche eine von Herrn Dr. Uno von Troil im Jahr 1772 nach Island angestellte Reise betreffen. Aus dem Schwedischen úbersetzt und mit Anmerkungen herausge- geben. Mit vielen Kupfern. Upsala und Leipzig bey Magnus Swederus, Königl. Buchhandler 1779. xxvi, 342, [4] bls., 12 mbl., 1 uppdr. 8°. Chavanne (bls. 98) getur útg. með breyttu heiti, sem á að hafa komið út 1785. - [Reise durch Island]: Nurnberg: Christoph Weigelischen Kunsthandlung, 1780. Bls 1— 184, 2 mbl., 1 uppdr., 1 tfl. 8°. Bibliothek der neuesten Reisebeschrei- bungen 2. Stytt gerð án sérstaks heitis, en í formála nefnd Reise durch Island. - Reise nach Island von Herrn Dr. Uno von Troil aus dem Schwedischen úbersetzt und mit Anmerkungen herausgegeben. Nebst eine Karte von Island. Núrnberg, bey C. Weigel und Schneider, 1789. 194 bls., 1 uppdr. 8°. Stytt útgáfa. - Die Insel Island. Hannover 1780. [12] bls. 8°. Hannoversche Magazin 22 Sept. 1780. - Sjalfbiografi och reseanteckningar. (Svens- ka Memoarer och bref 1). Stockholm: Bon- nier, 1900. [8], 238 bls. 8°. Um íslandsferðina, bls. 166—168. - —» Trusler, John. The Habitable World De- scribed. Trollope, Anthony. How the “Mastiffs" went to Iceland. With Illustrations by Mrs. Hugh Blackburn. London: Virtue & Co, 1878. [6], 46 bls., 16 mbl., 1 uppdr. 4°. fslensk þýðing: íslandsferð Mastiffs. Bjarni Guðmundsson íslenzkaði. Rv. 1960. - Iceland. London 1978. Bls. 175-190. 8°. The Fortnightly Review, No. 140.
(1) Band
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(3) Saurblað
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(169) Saurblað
(170) Saurblað
(171) Band
(172) Band
(173) Kjölur
(174) Framsnið
(175) Kvarði
(176) Litaspjald

Ísland í skrifum erlendra manna um þjóðlíf og náttúru landsins


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