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Hutchinson, Isobel Wfylie]. Askja. The Worlds Largest Crater. S. I. [1931]. Blackwoods Magazine 29. — A Walking Tour Across Iceland. Washing- ton 1928. Bls. 467-498. 8vo National Geogr. Magazine, Apr. 1928. Huus, Johan and j0rgen Knudsen. Tunicata. Copenhagen and Reykjavik: Munksgaard, 1950. 25 bls. 8°. The Zoology of Iceland. Vol. IV, Part 71b. Huxley, Julian. Natural History of Iceland. Washington: The Smithsonian Institution, 1951. Bls. 327-338. 8°. The Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution 1950. — New Bottles for New Wine. London: Chatto & Windus, 1957. 318 bls. 8°. Natural History of Iceland, bls. 155-167, og fjallar aðallega um fuglalíf. Huygens, Christiaan. Traité de la lvntiére. Ou sont expliquées les causes de ce qui luy ar- rive dans la réflexion, & dans la réfraction. Et particuliérement dans l’etrange réfrac- tion dv cristal d’Islande. Par Monsieur Christian Huygens, Seigneur de Zeelhem. Avec un Discours de la Cause de la pesan- tevr. A Leide, Ches Pierre vander Aa, Mar- chand Libraire, MDCXC. [8], 180 bls. 8°. Af bók þessari er til ljósprentun: Traité de la lumiére. Avec un Discours de la cause de la pesanteur. London: Dawson of Pall Mall, 1966. — Traité de la lumiére ou sont expliquées les causes de ce qui luy arrive dans la réflexion et dans la réfraction et particuliérement dans l’étrange réfraction du cristal d’Is- lande. Avec un discours de la cause de la pesanteur. Edidit cum praefatione Latina W. Burckhardt. Lipsiae: Gressner & Schramm, [1885]. [2], iv, 134 bls., I mbl. 8°. — Treatise on Light in which are Explained the Causes of that which Occurs in Re- llexion, & in Refraction. And Particularly in the strange Refraction of Iceland Crystal. Rendered into English by Silvanus P. Thompson. London: Macmillan, 1912. xii, 128, [2] bls. 8°. Hylander, Nils. Nordisk karlvaxtflora omfat- tande Sveriges, Norges, Danmarks, Östfen- noskandias, Islands och Faröarnas karlkryp- togamer och fanerogamer. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1966. 456 bls. 8°. Hiinerberg, Charles. Akureyri, die Sommer- frische Islands. Lichterfelde 1930. Bls. 282— 286. Der Erdball, illustr. Monatsschrift 4. Hörner, A. G. Om vindverkan i Island. Stock- holm 1949. BIs. 40-48. 8°. Ymer 1949. Iceland. Copenhagen 1896. Bls. 47—60, 61—66. 4°. The Danish Export Review 1896. Iceland. London 1862. Bls. 121—145. London Quarterly Review 19. Frásögnin er sótt til F. Metcalfe, C. Forbes og E. T. Hollands. Iceland. A Little Economic Informadon. Co- penhagen: The Danish Foreign Office, 1937. [8], 9-20, [8] bls. 2°. Danish Foreign Office Journal No. 193, Febr. 1937. Iceland and Greenland. [Washington]: Nelson Doubleday, 1969. 64 bls. 8°. Around the World Program. Iceland and its Explorers. Edinburgh 1876. Bls. 222-250. Edinburgh Review 1876. Iceland and its Physical Curiosities. S. 1. & a. Bls. 325-353. 8°. Urtak úr óvissu tímariti. Iceland Expedition 1965. Report. Edited by B. H. Rodwell. London: King’s College and London School of Economics Geographical Association, 1966. 52 bls. 8°. Iceland Papers. Volume I. Scientific Results of Cambridge Expeditions to Iceland, 1932- 38. Oxford: University Press 1939. 8°. Safn sérprentana úr ýmsum tímaritum. Mér er ókunnugt, hvort meira var gefið út af safnriti þessu. Iceland Whooper Swan Expedition. Cam- bridge 1965. Bls. 39-41. Cambridge Exped. Journ. 1965. The Icelanders. - No. 1—2. London 1839. Bls. 442-443, 452-454. 4°. The Penny Magazine 8. No. 495-96. Iceland’s Millennial. [New York] 1874. Bls. 826-828. 4°. Harper’s Weekly. Supplement, October 3. IJsland, deszelfs heete bronnen en vuurspru- wende bergen. Amsterdam 1845. Bls. 387— 390. 4°. Nederlandsch Magazijn 1845. 72
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Ísland í skrifum erlendra manna um þjóðlíf og náttúru landsins


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