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36 i Numerfoige, I, .II. III. og indsigtedes ved 0jemaal i Linien. Det blaeste en liden Bris tvers paa Linien og Operationen gik let ved at commandere “luf” og “fald”. Naar Stseng'erne flyttedes, satte jeg Poden paa den sidste Stang, indtil den meste var sat til dens Ende og orienteret. Maa- lingen kunde saaledes paa det flade Terrsen blive ret noj- agtig. Grundliniens bele Lamgde fandtes ved Hjelp af Stsengerne og et Metermaal at vsere 299.11 Meter. Nogen merkelig Reduction for Staengernes Heldning bar jeg ikke fundet det praktisk nodvendigt at anbringe. Metermaalet, der anvendtes som Normalmaal, er et i Paris kjobt. med Regjerings-Stempel forsynet Trsemaal til at la?gge sammen. Det er beniinod en Millimeter lamgere end et Par andre bervserende Meterscalaer af ombyggeligere Construction. Dette Overskud kan regnes at gaa op imod den ved Maale- stsengernes Heldning og unojagtige Orientering fremkomne Fejl. Efter Afslutningen af Grundliniemaalingen opsatte jeg Signalerne Y, T og videre vestover. Den 21de August beregnedes Gaarsdagens Observa- tioner og afsattes i Kartet. Capt. Grieg foretog Lodninger i Advent Bay. Om Eftermiddagen maalte jeg Yinkler fra de Signaler, jeg kavde opsat den forrige Eftermiddag. Den 22de fortsatte Capt. Wille Kartarbejdet. Capt. Grieg loddede om Formiddagen, og Capt. Wille om Efter- middagen. Kl. 6 Eft. lettede vi og sejlede ud Isfjorden. Kartet over Advent Bay er tegnet af Capt. Wille. Det originale Kart i 1 :30000 er gjengivet lier i 1:50000. Kartet beror, som af ovenstaaende Beskrivelse vil sees, paa en fuldstamdig Triangulation. De trigonometriske Punkter ere paa Kartet merkede med de latinske Bogstaver. Azi- mutbestemmelsen, der orienterer Kartet, antages sikker paa et Minut, og Lsengdeudstrsekningerne sikre paa en to- tusindedel af samme. Angaaende den absolute Bredde og Laengde henvises til min Afhandling om de astronomiske Observationer Side 19. Forresten indebolder Kartet selv de nodvendige Op- lysninger. Billederne, Fig. 1—9, ere tegnede af Landskabsmaler Carl Nielsen, efter Skitser tagne paa Stedet af Hr. F. W. Schiertz, Prof. G. O. Sars og Prof. H. Mohn. boatswain and a sailor, so as to extend one after the other (I, II, III) from Base B, and as nearly as tbe eye could determine in the true line. There was a light breeze blowing at right angles to the base line, .and the opera- tion could be easily performed by commanding “luff” and “off.” When the rods were being moved, I put my foot on the last of them, keeping it there till the next had been placed end on against it, and properly adjusted. In this manner a pretty accurate measurement could be made bn the flat ground. By means of the rods. and a metre- measure, the whole length of the base line was found to be 299.11 metres. Any appreciable reduction for the inclina- tion of the rods, I have not thought necessary to apply. Tbe metre-measure, which I used as the standard measure of length, bad been bought in Paris; it is of wood, furnished with the government stamp, and made to fold up. This instrument is about a millimetre longer than two other metre-scales, of more accurate construction, that we have here. Tbe excess in length may be regarded as compensating tbe error arising from tbe inclination and imperfect adjustment of the rods. After measuring tbe base line, I erected tbe signals Y, T, and others farther west. On the 21st of August, the observations taken the day before were computed and laid dowij on the Map. Capt. Grieg sounded in the Bay. In the afternoon I measured angles from the signals I bad erected on tbe previous day. On the 22nd, Capt. Wille went on constructing his map. Capt. 'Grieg took soundings in the forenoon and Capt. Wille in the afternoon. At 6 p. m. we got under weigh, and steamed out of Ice Sound. For tbe Map of Advent Bay we are indebted to Capt. Wille. The original map was on a scale of -lwjnnr i the scale of that annexed to this Memoir is -377,Vint- As will appear from the above description, the Map of Advent Bay is based on a complete triangulation. Tbe trigono- metrical points are denoted by capital letters. The azimuth determination, on which is based- the direction of the meri- dian of the Map, may be regarded as true to a minute, and tbe longitudinal extent as correct within the two- thousandth part of the actual length. As regards the abso- lute latitude and longitude,- the reader is referred to my “Astronomical Observations,” page 19. For the rest, all necessary information is given in the Map. Figs. 1 to 9 are drawn by Carl Nielsen, artist, from sketches taken on the spot by F. W. Schiertz, artist to the Expedition, Prof. G. O. Sars, and Prof. H. Mohn. Translated into English by John Hazeland.
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The Norwegian North-Atlantic expedition 1876-1878 =


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