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6 Maj (May) 30 .Tuni (June) 10 2/55 Corr. t. (Error on) Bergen M. T. zz o. 45 — r ( — „) — « „ — Uaglig Acceleration (Gaining daily) — o'‘ 24”' 44/3 — o 25 49.0 5-‘9 3 2. Reykjavik. Den lste August 1-876 toges af Capt. Wille og Lieutn. Petersen folgende corresponderende Hpjder paa den gronne Phene ved Konsul Simsons Hus. r/> zz 64° 9/0. i. zz \h 27™ 36/6 W. Gr. Chronometer Kullberg. 2. Reykjavik. On the 1st of August. 1876. Capt. Wille and Lieut. Petersen took the following equal altitudes from the grass- plot adjoining Mr. Simson’s house. <f — 64° 9/0, l — 1A 27™ 36.*6 W. Gr. Kullberg’s chronometer. 0 2h' Chron. a. m. Chron. p. m. To+i T„ 75° 0' 23'' 49”' 8/0 410/0 2h 12m 57/75 _ IO 50 12.5 35 5- 5 57-73 20 5i 17-5 34 0.0 57-44 30 52 24.5 32 55-0 ■ 58.41 40 53 29. 5 31 48.0 57-38 50 54 40. 5 30 40. 5 5i,9- 10 76 0 55 45-5 29 3i-5 57.08 76 40 0 0 18. 5 4 25 1.5 57; 96 50 .1 26. 0 23 52.0 56.43 77 0 2 37-° 22 40.5 57- 15 10 3 49- 0 21 31-0 58.38 20 4 58-0 20 2 1.0 57.85 30 6 9- 5 19 11.5 58.82 40 7 >8-5 17 57-° 56.04 2 -12 57. 68 ± 0/13 E.: 6 2. 06 Chron. Corr. t. (Error on) Reykjavik M. T. 2h 6’" 55/62 — — ,. ( — ,.) Greenwich — 39 21.8 Reykjavik W. Greenwich 1h 27’" 33/8 Saittes I) 1 zz 0, da Hovedchronometret anvendtes til Observationerne, D2 zz + 0/1, D'3 zz + 0/15, D.i zz + 0/1. D:, zz + 0/1, zz + 0/2. D-, = ± 0/25. saa bliver den sandsynlige Fejl af den beregnede Lamgde Now. putting D[ — 0. the observations having been taken with the chief chronometer; D> = + 0/1, Di — + 0/15. Di — ± 0/1. D-, = + 0/1, Dti — + 0/2, D-, zz + (J/25. the probable error of the computed longi- tude will be D , zz 4- 1/ (0/13)2 + D‘ + D' + D' + D‘ + D + D - + 0/41 /• * 2 J 4 5 6 7 Den af ovenstaaende Observationer beregnede Lfengde stemmer paa 2/7 med den. der ifolge de Opgaver, som velvillig ere mig meddelte af Commander Rothe. Director for det Kongelige Danske Sokaart-Archiv i Kjobenhavu, efter tidligere Iagttagelser og Beregninger er antaget som den sandsynligste, nemlig 1A 27’" 36/6. Observations- The longitude computed from the observations given above agrees within 2/7 with that which, according to the results kindly furnished me by Commodore Rothe, Hydro- grapher to the Royal Danish Navy, from former observa- tions and computations, is deemed the most probable, viz. 1;' 27’" 36/6, the point of observation lying about 38",
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The Norwegian North-Atlantic expedition 1876-1878 =


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