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12 En constant Fejl af 10" i de maalte Hojder giver en Fejl af 1.’66 i den beregnede Laengde. Saettes den sandsynlige Fejl af den beregnede Laengde lig A constant error of 10" in the observed altitudes, entails an error of 1/66 in the computed longitude. Put- ting the probable error, of the computed longitude at V (0/21)2 3 + (1/66)2 + D~ + D + D + D + D + T) + D~ = ± ' 123 4 567 1 >79 faaes som Resultat l = 0h 48™ 29/8 ± 1/72 = Efter de norske Kystkarter ligger Skrubolmeii paa Bredde 67° 29' 48" Laengde 12° 6' 36" = 0* 48™ 26/4 E. Greenwich. Der er saaledes god Overensstemmelse i Bredden, medens min Bestemmelse laegger Rost 51" eller 3/4 ost- ligere end Kartet, en Afstand, der svarer til 602 Meter. || the result will be 12° 7'. 27" ± 25."8 E. Greenwich. On the Norwegian coastal charts, Skrukolmen is in Latitude 67» 29' 48" Longitude 12° 6' 36" = 0A 48™ 26/4 E. Greenwich. Hence the agreement in latitude is quite satisfactory, whereas my determination of longitude, as compared with the chart, places Rost 51", or 3/4, farther east, a diffe- rence corresponding to 602 metres. 6. Hammerfest. Observationerne gjordes om Eftermiddagen den 9de Juli og om Morgenen den lOde Juli 1878 paa Fuglenes i Meridian-Stottens Meridian, omtrent 5 Meter i Syd for samme. ■ Polbojden af Meridian-Stotten, der danner det nordlige Endepunkt af den Russisk-Svensk-Norske Grad- maaling, er bestemt af Professor Lindhagen til 70° 40' 11."3. Omstaendighederne vare meget gunstige, Luften klar og rolig. 6. Hammerfest. The observations were taken in the afternoon of the 9tli of July and on the morning of the lOtli, 1878, at Fuglenes, in the meridian of the “Meridian-Column,” about 5 metres farther south. The latitude of the Column, which constitutes the northern terminal point of the Russian- Swedish-Norwegian arc of meridian, has been determined by Professor Lindhagen at 70° 40' 11."3. Circumstances were remarkably favourable, the atmosphere both clear and still. Den 9de Juli Eft. fandtes Indexfejlen (Index-error p. m.) -|- 2' 7."2 ± 2."2. lOde „ Form. — — ( — a. m.) +2 3. 3 ± 3. 1. 6 Obs. 3 .. Som Observationsuhr benyttede jeg mit Lomme- chronometer. For tliese observations, I used my pocket-chrono- meter. Chron. Reid Juli 9 (Reid’s Chronometer) Lommechron. „ 9 (Pocket-chronometer) Corr. t. Reid (Corr. to Reid) 2h 21™ 30/0 6'* 25™ 0/0 17A 7™ 0/0 19* 23™ 0/0 20* 3™ 30/0. 3 15 14.0 7 18 42.9 18 0 41.7 20 16 41.1 20. 57 10.9. — 53 44.0 — 53 42.9 —53 41.7 —53 41.1 —53 40.9. Juli 9 Eft. Barom. 760.™™0 Temp. 8° „ 10 Morgen — 759.™™3 — 11° Paa Telegrafcontoret i Hammerfest observerede jeg den lOde Juli Lommeckronometer 8* 38™ 22/0 Corrigeret Tidssignal 8 0 1. 2 Greenwich M. T. Corr. af Lommechron. — 38 20. 8 til Gr. M. T. 53 41.0 „ Reid. -j- 15 20. 2 til Greenwich M. T. July 9 p. m. Barom. 760.™m0 Temp. 8° „ 10 a. m. — 759.™™3 — 11° At the telegraph-office in Hammerfest, I observed on the 10th of July Pocket-chronometer 8* 38™ 22/0 Corrected Time-signals 8 0 1. 2 Greenwich M. T. Corr. for Pocket-chron. — 38 20. 8 to Gr. M. T. — — 53 41. 0 to the Reid chron. Corr. for Reid Corr. for the Reid 15 20. 2 to Greenwich M. T.
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The Norwegian North-Atlantic expedition 1876-1878 =


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