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17 Efter de norske Kystkarter ligger Yardohus paa: Bredden 70° 22' 5" Laengden 31° 7' 35" = 2h 4”' 30.’3 E. Greenwich. . Efter en senere fundet Correction for en Regnefejl skulde imidlertid Punkterne ostenfor Nordkap ligge c. 22" Ostligere end i Kartet. altsaa Yardplius paa Laengden 31° 7'. 57" = 27' 4”' 31.'8. hvilken Yaerdi kun er 6" eller U.’4 storre end den af mig fundne. On the Norwegian coastal charts. Vardphus is in Latitude 70° 22' 5" Longitude 31° 7' 35" zz 27' 4’" 30.'3 E. Greenwich. Meanwhile, the points east of the North Cape should, according to an error of calculation subsequently discovered, lie about 22" farther east than on the chart, Yardphus therefore in longitude 31° 7' 57" • = 2h 4m 31.'8; and this value exceeds my determination by only 6", or 0/4. Sammenstilles de af mig fundne Lsengder med de paa de norske Kystkarter udmaalte, faar man fplgende Oversigt: A comparison between my determinations of longitude and those on the respective Norwegian charts gives the following results: — ■ Astron. telegr. Lcengde. (Longitude Astr. Telgh.) Kartets Lsengde. {Long, on Chart.) Forskjel. {Difference.) Namsos n° 3i' 33" ± 7-"4 ' a0 30' 45" O *0 II iO Bodp . . . . 14 24 51 ± 9. 5 14 25 40 — 49. = — 3- 3 Rpst .... 12 727+ 25. 8 12' 6 36 59 = 3-4 Hammerfest . . . 23 40 26 ± 6. 1 23 39 54 32 — 2. 1 Yardp .... 31 7 51 ± 12. 6 3i 7 35 16 = 1. 1 Med Undtagelse af Bodp ere Kartets Lsengder mindre pstlige end mine. Forskjellen er imidlertid kun en Brpkdel af et Minut, i Storcirkel kun en Brpkdel af et halvt til et Trediedels Minut. og Tilstrsekkeligheden af Npjagtig- heden af Karternes Lsengde for Skibsfarten antages saale- des godtgjoi't. Karternes Bredder synes gjennemgaaende nojagtige, saavidt ovenstaaende Iagttagelser kunne tjene til deres Yerification. ■ Saving that ,of Bodp, the. longitudes on the chart are none of them so far east as mine. Meanwhile, the diffe- rence does not amount to more than a fraction of a minute, and in arc of great circle it is only a fraction of half to one-third of a minute; hence, the accuracy of the longitudes on the charts may be regarded as sufficient for all practical purposes of navigation. The latitudes on the charts would appear to be generally correct, so far as the results set forth above can serve for their verification. 8. Advent Baj. PaOdden. ved den vestre Bred af Indlpbet til Advent Baj. der gaar i sydostlig Retning ind fra den indre Del af Isfjorden paa Spidsbergens Yestkyst, tog jeg den 20de August "1878 to RaAker Solhpjder til Bestennnelse af Bredden og Lsengden af det Punkt, der var .Udgangs- puuktet for Iagttagelserne til Gonstructionen af det Kart, som Capt. Wille optog over Bajen med Omgivelser. Omstsendighederne vare ikke meget gunstige. Luften var tildels meget taaget, saaat Bhendglassene ofte inaatte voxles, ja kunde stundom endog undvaeres. En Eplge af Den norske-Nordhavs'expedition. H. Molin: Astronomiske Observatic 8. Advent Bay. On the tongue of land jutting out from the western shore of the entrance to Advent Bay, which extends in a south-easterly direction from the inner part of Ice Sound on the west coast of Spitsbergen, I took on the 20th of August, 1878, two series of solar. altitudes, to determine the latitude and longitude of the point at which were com- menced the observations for the survey made by Capt. Wille of the Bay and its environs. Circumstances were anything but favourable, the atmo- sphere being so hazy at intervals that the coloured glasses had to be frequently changed, nay could now and again . 3 ■
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The Norwegian North-Atlantic expedition 1876-1878 =


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