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Den folgende Dag. den 31te Juli, laa Expeditionen til Ankers i den store Raekved-Bugt paa Jan Mayens 0st- side. Da Sogangen hindrede os fra at komme i Land, toges fra Skibsborde en Rajkke Solhojd'er, med forskjellige Sex- tanter, dels af Capt. AVille, dels af mig. Omstamdighederne vare ikke gunstige. Skyer og Taage tog jevnlig Solen eller Horizonten bort. Den lste August var Yejret noget gunstigere, og der observeredes om Formiddagen en Del Solhpjder fra samine Ankerplads, forend vi lettede. I den nedenstaaeude Tabel betegner G' Capt. Grieg og M Mobil; E betegner den Expeditionen tilborende Sex- tant og S en Skibet tilborende Sextant. Hver Iagttager bestemte sin Indexfejl. Jeg fandt den for Trouglitons Sextant den Site Juli ved Solen -|- 1' 38" og ved Horizonten -j- 1' 35". Benyttet er den forste Yserdi. De tleste Observationer gjordes fra Hyttediekket.. 0jets Hojde regnedes her til 18 norske Fod eller 5.6 Meter. I Beregningen er benyttet Solradien efter Nautical Almanac. Som det vil sees nedenfor, er den af Observa- tionerne udledede Solradius storre. Som Observationsulir benyttedes dels Lommeclirono- meter, dels Lomimeulire, der umiddelbart for eller efter liver Observationsrsekke sammenlignedes med Hovedchrono- metret Reid. Hr. Tornoe, vor Cliemiker, assisterede mig ved Here Observationer, idet ban noterede Uliret. Reids Correction til Greenwich Middeltid beregnedes for Observa- tionerne *> .1 Juli 30 Juli 31 Aug. 1 til + 8ra 28/6 + 8”' 29/2 + 8ra 30/2 Efter forelobige Beregninger sattes for. Ankerpladsen paa 0stsiden <p0 — 70° 58/0 og l0 = O'1 33™ 48/3 AY. Greenwich. Beliggenheden af Ankerpladsen paa \7estsiden er ret noje bestemt trigonometrisk i Forliold til Ankerpladsen paa 0stsiden. Ved Hjelp af Stormastens Hojde, 18.6 • Meter, der fra en Baud af Capt. Wille maaltes i Vinkel til 4° 20/3, fandtes Baadens Afstand fra Skibet = 245 Meter. Fra Baaden og fra Skibet (Mobil) sigtedes sam- tidig til Toppen af “Fugleberget”, en fremtrsedende let kjendelig Fjeldtop paa 0ens A^estside ved Mary Muss Bugten. Yinkelen Fugleberg—Skib, ' seet fra Baad, var 86° 3/7, Adnkelen Fugleberg—Baad, seet fra Skibet, var 90° 13/3, hvoraf beregnes Afstanden fra Skibet til Fugleberget til 2/03. Fuglebergets Azimuth fra Skibet fandtes efter 3 Compas-Pejlinger paa 3 forskjellige Kurser zz N. 25° AY. Dorefter ligger Fugleberget 1' 50."4 nordligere og2'38."0 vestligere end Ankerpladsen paa 0stsiden. Fra Fugleber- gets Fod maalte jeg den 29de Juli Masthojden til 0° 55/5,' livilket giver en. Afstand af 0/62. Skibets Azimuth fra Fugleberget var her omtrent 70°. Heraf beregnes, at The following day, July 31st, the Expedition anchored in GreatAYood Bay,.on the east coast of the island. The swell preventing us from landing, Capt. AVille and myself took a series of solar altitudes on board, with different sextants. The atmospheric conditions were not favourable, cloud and mist repeatedly blotting out the sun or the horizon. . • On the 1st of August the weather cleared a little, and in the forenoon a few solar- altitudes were observed from the same anchorage, shortly before we got under weigh. In the Table given below, G signifies Capt. Grieg, and M, Professor Alohn; E signifies the sextant belonging to the Expedition, and S a sextant belonging to the vessel. Each observer determined his index-error. For the Trought'on sextant. I found the index-error, on the 31st of July, to be -f- V 38" by the sun, and + .P 35" by the horizon. The first of these values was. applied. Most of the observations were made from the deck of the roundhouse, where the eye of the observer was as- sumed to be 18 Norwegian feet, or 5.6 metres, above the sea-level. For these computations, the sun's semidiameter was taken from the Nautical Almanac. As will appear in the sequel, that deduced from the observations was somewhat greater. AVe observed with the pocket-chronometer and ordi- nary watches, each timepiece being compared, immediately before and after a series of observations, with our chief chronometer, the Reid. Mr. Tornoe, chemist to the Ex- pedition, assisted me in several of the observations, by noting the indications of the watch. The Reid correction to Greenwich mean time was computed for the observa- tions taken — July 3U July 31 Aug l at + 8’" 28/6 . + 8ra 29/2 + 8"' .30/2 For the anchorage on the east coast of the island, I put, as the result of preliminary computations, q>„ — 70° 58/0 and A0 = 0;‘ 33”‘ 48/3 AY..Greenwich. The position of the • anchorage off the west coast of the island relative to that of the anchorage on the east side, was determined trigonometrically with tolerable exact- ness. Taking the height of the mainmast, 18.6 metres, which, as measured from a boat by Capt. AVille, gave an angle of 4° 20/3, the distance of the boat from the ship was found to be 245 metres. From the boat and from the ship (Prof. Mohn), we simultaneously observed the sum- mit of the “Fugleberg" (bird-cliff), a conspicuous moun- tain-top on the west side of the island, in close proximity to Alary AIuss Bay. The angle Fugleberg—ship, as de- termined from the boat, was 86° 3/7; the angle Fugleberg— boat, as determined from the ship, 90° 13/3; and with these results the distance from the ship to Fugleberg was com- puted at 2/03. The azimuth of Fugleberg from the ship, we found from 3 compass-bearings on 3 different courses = N. 25° AY The Fugleberg should accordingly lie- 1' 50. "4 farther north and 2' 38."0 farther west than our
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The Norwegian North-Atlantic expedition 1876-1878 =


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