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21 Ankerpladsen paa Vestsiden ligger 10. "9 nordligere og 1' 49." 1 vestligere end Fugleberget. Ankerpladsen paa Vest- siden ligger altsaa 2' l."3 nordligere og 4' 27" vestligere end Ankerpladsen paa 0stsiden. Er for den sidste r/>0 = 7.0° 58.'0 og Iq = 0h 33™ 48.'3, saa bliver for Ankerplad- sen paa Vestsiden tpu — 71° 0' 1" og k0 — O'* 34m 6/1. Efter do mindste Kvadraters Methode beregnede jeg de sandsynligste Correctioner til <p0 og k . Xaar jeg derefter grupperede Differentserne (hvis Kvadratsum er Minimum) mellem de observerede (redu- cerede) Hojder af Solcentret og de efter de fundne sand- synligste Yferdier for Bredden og Lsengden beregnede,- efter de obseyverede Solrender, viste det sig, at Middeldifferent- sen for Ovre Band var -f- 0/295 og for nedre Band — 0/282. Den observerede Solradius er saaledes gjennem- snitlig 0/3 storre end den til Beregningen benyttede. Corrigeres med .denne Storrelse, faaes .de i den folgende Tabel anforte Yaerdier af Differentserne J mellem obser- veret minus beregnet Solhojde. I Tabellen ere alle Uhr- tider reducerede til Beid, og alle maalte Solhojder corri- gerede for Indexfejl, Kimmingdaling,'Befraction, Parallaxe og Solradius (Xaut. Almanac's), o betegner ovre Solrand, n nedre Solrand. Aflaesningerne paa Sextan ten ere gjorte i Secunder og Beductionen udfort med Secunder, men da den sandsynlige Fejl' af en enkelt Hojde er over et halvt Minut. opiores i Tabellen Tiendedels Minut, ligesoni Be- regningen efter de mindste Kvadraters Methode er fort med femzifrede Logarithmer. anchorage oft' the east coast. From the foot of the Fugle- berg. the height of the mast, as measured by myself on the 29th of July, gave an angle of 0° 55/5, which corre- sponds to a distance of 0/62. At this point, the azimuth of the ship from the Fugleberg was about 70°. Computing . with these results, our anchorage off the west coast should lie 10."9 farther north and V 49."i farther west than the Fugleberg. Hence, the anchorage off the west coast lies 2' l."3 farther north and 4' 27" • farther west than the anchorage oft’ the east coast. Assuming for the latter <pa : 70° 58/0 and ka = O'* 33”1 48/3, for the anchorage off the west coaSt rp0 = 71° 0' 1" and l0 = O'* 34”‘ 6/1. By the method of the least squares, I computed the most probable corrections of f/0 and A0. Then, on grouping the differences (the sum of the squares of which is a minimum) between the observed (duly corrected) altitudes of the sun’s centre and those computed with the .most probable values found for latitude and longitude, according to the observed solar limbs, the mean difference for the upper limb proved to be -)- 0/295, and for the lower — 0/282. On an average, therefore, the observed semidiameter of the sun is 0/3 greater than that taken for the computation. Corrected with this quan- tity, we get the values given in the following Table for the differences, J, between the observed and the computed solar altitudes. In this Table all cbronometer-times are reduced to those of the Beid chronometer', and all observed altitudes corrected for the index-error, the dip of the hori- zon, refraction, parallax, and the sun's semidiameter (from Xaut. Almanac); o signifies upper solar limb, n lower solar limb. The readings of the sextant were noted in seconds, and their reduction computed in seconds; but the probable error of a single altitude amounting to more than half a minute, tenths of a minute have been given in the Table. The computation by the method of the least squares is made with five decimals in the logarithms. Ankerplads paa Vestsiden. 1877. Juli 30. (Anchorage on the West Side. 1877. July 30.) Chron. Reid. Obs. H0jde. (Obs. Altitude.) Band. (Limb.) Sext. Obs. J 5a 47” 28‘ 20" 57/2 n. E. (?. 4- 0/9 5 48 1 20 56. 4 n. S. M. — i-3
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The Norwegian North-Atlantic expedition 1876-1878 =


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