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C. Wille. Magnetiske Observationer. Efter deu for Nordhavs-Expeditionen lagte Plan skulde der spges udfort Observationer til Bestemmelse af Jord- magnetismens Elementer saavel i Land som i Seen. ‘Til dette 0j emed anskaffedes og medbragtes fplgende Instru- menter: Et Unifilar-Magnetometer, No. 38, af Elliott Brothers i London. Instrumentet blev verificeret og dets Konstanter bestemte ved Observatoriet i Kew. En liden Theodolit af Olsen i Kristiania, laant af den geografiske Opmaaling. Et Inklinatorium af Jolm Dover, Charlton, Kent, underspgt i Kew. Et Admiralitets-Standard-Kompas, verificeret ved Kom- pas-Observatoriet i Deptford. Flere Azimutb-Kompasser. En Fox-Cirkel No. 30 af John Dover, med Hjselpe- apparater og Slingrebord. Flere Kronometre og Sextanter. Et Observationstelt fra Bergens Arsenal, velvillig ud- laant af Arme-Intendanten. .Teg skal nu sierskilt beliandle Observationerne paa Landstationer og Observationerne i Spen. A. Observationer paa Land-Stationer og deres Resultater. a. Deklination. Begge til Magnetoinetret hprende Magneter var Kolli- mations-Magneter, med Skalaer i Objectivglassets Brsendplan. Da Instrumentet ikke var forsynet med Plan-Spejl til De- klinationsbestemmelse, men kun liavde et Hulspejl til at C. Wille. Magnetical Observations. The Scheme of Work approved for the Norwegian North- Atlantic Expedition, was, if possible, to comprise obser- vations for determining the elements of terrestrial magnetism, alike on shore and at sea. With this object in view, the following instruments were provided. A Unifilar Magnetometer, No. 38, made by Elliott Brothers, of London. This instrument was verified, and had its constants determined, at the Kew Observatory. A small Theodolite, by Olsen of Christiania, obtained on loan from the Geographical Survey. A Dip-Circle, hy John Dover, of Charlton, Kent, examined at Kew. An Admiralty Standard-Compass, verified at the Com- pass Observatory, Deptford. Several Azimuth-Compasses. A Fox-Circle, No. 30, by John Dover, with auxiliary apparatus and gimbal-table. Several Chronometers and Sextants. A Tent, kindly lent from the Bergen Arsenal. I will now pass on to the observations, describing separately those taken at the land-stations and those made at sea. A. Observations at Land-Stations, and their Results. a. Declination. Both of the magnets belonging to the magnetometer were collimator-magnets, with the scale in the focal plane of the object-glass. The instrument not being provided with a plane mirror for observing the declination, but
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The Norwegian North-Atlantic expedition 1876-1878 =


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