(68) Blaðsíða 4 (68) Blaðsíða 4
4 Den fplgende Morgen var Havet aldeles roligt. Taa- gen laa fremdeles over Landet, saaat kun de lavere Dele vare synlige, til en Hojde af 150 til 200 Meter. Foran os laa det maleriske Fugleberg (Fig. 1), livis bratte, m0rke Yiegge raindede oin Ystiklettur paa Yestmannaperne. Ved The next [morning the sea was quite calm, but a thick fog, at the height of 500—600 feet, still hung over the island, only the lower range of coast being accordingly visible. In front towered the “Fugleberg,” or fowling- cliff (Fig. 1), which with its dark, precipitous rocks vividly Fig. 1. Fugleberget. — The Fugleberg, or Fowling-Cliff. Siden af Fugleberget, lamgere mod Syd, laa en Had Sand- strand, tet bestroet af Raekved. Her gik vi i Land uden den ringeste Vanskelighed. Stranden bestod af sort Saud. Den stprste Del af Rsekveden laa paa en fra Havbredden noget tilbagetrukket Slags Terrasse, livis horizontale Flade fandtes 5 til 6 Meter over Havets Niveau. Den mindre Del laa paa den foranliggende Skraaning mellem Terrassen og Stranden. Derfor ser det i Frastand fra Seen ud, som om Rsekveden laa opstablet i regelnuessige Lag paa Stranden. “Fugleberget” viste sig at vaere — som det sees af Figur 1 — 0stsiden af et Ivrater, livis vestlige Del er styrtet i Havet. Det er bygget af Lag af Tuf, fast Lava, udkastede Masser af Slakker -og Aske. Paa den spndre Side af Mary Muss Bugten haevede sig, user Soen, et mindre kegleformigt Ivrater (Krater Blytt), og indenfor dette, mer- mere 0ens Midte, et noget storre af samme Form (Krater Danielssen), livis Top nu ragede op i Taagen, men som reminded us of Ystiklettur on the Yestmanna Islands. Stretching south of the Fugleberg, lay a flat sandy beach, bestrewn with driftwood. Here we landed, without the slightest difficulty. The beach was of black sand. • Most of the driftwood lay on a terrace-like ledge, the level surface of which extended from 15 to 20 feet above the sea; the remaining portion was scattered over the gentle slope between the ledge and the beach. Thus, from the sea the dr iftwood appears at some distance to he piled along the shore in regular layers. The “Fugleberg” (see Fig. 1) was found to be the eastern side of a crater whose west part had toppled down into the sea. It is built up of stratified tuff, compact lava, discharged masses of cinders, and ashes. On the south shore of Mary Muss Bay, in close proximity to the sea, rose a smaller, conical-shaped crater (Blytt’s crater), and farther inland, towards the middle of the island, another of similar form, but somewhat larger (Danielssen’s crater),
(1) Band
(2) Band
(3) Saurblað
(4) Saurblað
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(99) Blaðsíða 35
(100) Blaðsíða 36
(101) Mynd
(102) Mynd
(103) Mynd
(104) Mynd
(105) Mynd
(106) Mynd
(107) Mynd
(108) Mynd
(109) Mynd
(110) Mynd
(111) Mynd
(112) Mynd
(113) Mynd
(114) Mynd
(115) Mynd
(116) Mynd
(117) Band
(118) Band
(119) Kjölur
(120) Framsnið
(121) Kvarði
(122) Litaspjald

The Norwegian North-Atlantic expedition 1876-1878 =


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