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5 en af de folgende Dage saaes klart fra 0ens0stside. Ved at stige op saa hpjt som Taagen tillod mig (175 Meter), fandt jeg Keglen bestaaende af lutter lose, udkastede, af- rundede rode Stene samt sort Aske. Ved Opstigningen fra Mary Muss Bugten naaede jeg, mellem Fugleberget og de to nsevnte Kratere, meget snart op til Hojderyggen af 0en, der ber er paa sit laveste og smaleste. Fast lysgraa Lava, jevnlig blseret i Overfladen, • dannede her Bergarten. Denne er, ifolge en senere Un- dersogelse,1 i meget ringe Grad, naesten umerkelig, mag- uetisk, medens en tsettere, morkere Lava, med indesluttede storre Krystaller af indtil tlere Millimeters Gjennemsnit og af basaltisk Udseende, der fandtes paa flere Steder, er tydelig polar magnetisk. Det laveste Parti af denne Hojde- ryg fandtes efter Maaling med Aneroidbarometer at vsere 66 Meter. Hojderyggen afluttedes paa den anden Side, mod Sydost, af en brat Styrtning. Under denne laa et udstrakt lavt Forland, der danner den indre Begrtendsning af den lange, ostlige Lagune. Mod 0st saaes fra Hojden its summit shrouded in mist, of which however we got on one of the following days an excellent view from the east side of the island. On clambering up as far as the fog would admit (570 feet), I found the cone to be exclusively composed of reddish, rounded, cindery stones ejected from the crater, and ashes. Making the ascent from Mary Muss Bay, I soon reached — between Fugleberg and the two above-mentioned craters — the chief mountain ridge of the island, where its breadth and altitude are least. Here, compact light- grey lava, cellular at the surface, constitutes the outer stratum of rock. According to a subsequent examination,1 this substance is very slightly, nay well-nigh inappreciably magnetic, whereas a denser, darker-coloured lava con- taining large crystals, — some of which measure several millimetres in diameter, — and of basaltic appearance, that occurred in several localities, has a perceptible magnetic polarity. The least elevated section of the ridge was found, v from observations with the aneroid barometer, to reach .s an altitude of 217 feet. The ridge terminates on the; opposite side of the island, towards the south-east, in it Fig. 2. 2Eg0en. — Egg Island. i Foretaget af Prof. Schiotz. 1 By Professor Schiotz, of Christiania University.
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The Norwegian North-Atlantic expedition 1876-1878 =


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